Chapter 29

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Thank you everyone for reading this story! <3 Thanks to RuthAlyssa for her comments I really like how you think!! :P

P.s. Thank you to michi2020 seriously you're the best!! :P Stay awesome!! ;) 

Stay Strong everyone and enjoy this boring filler chapter! xxx -N

Everyone you should thank kmorcutt cause I only updated cause she asked me to!! :P


 Chapter 29

P.O.V Olivia

-”Noël where did you find this?”, I asked my voice trembling.

-”Does it really matter? You’re fucking kissing Demi fucking Lovato! You swore that nothing was happening between you guys! You swore you were just friends! She’s not good for you Olivia!”, she exclaimed looking insulted.

-”Noël please don’t make this about you, where did you find the picture?”, I repeated.

-”Olivia! I swear to god if you don’t start explain right away I’ll”, I cut her off.

-”WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU FOUND THIS FREAKING PICTURE!!”, I screamed at the top of my lungs ready to slit her throat if she dodged the question again. Noël stumbled back looking scared and confused.

-”On, on twitter”, she whispered. I yanked the door open running to the room. 

-”DEMETRIA!!!”, I screamed, “Grab your things we’re leaving NOW!” Demi peeked her head out of the room observing at me with a scared and confused look in her big brown eyes. I cupped her face in my hand and kissed her passionately leaving her breathless. I turned around to face  a speechless Noël

-”You back the fuck off about my girlfriend Noël. Who I date is none of your business. C’mon baby!”, I exclaimed dragging Demi towards the entrance and throwing her her coat. We walked outside and made our way to the hotel in silence.

-”Olivia? What was that kiss for?”, she asked giving me a questionning smile.

-”I love you that’s it”, I replied.

-”What happened in the bathroom?”, she said.

-”We have a problem D, the picture is out, Noël saw it on twitter”, I sighed desperately. 

-”Ok”, she huffed.

-”I’m so sorry Demi, this is all my fault”, I apologized wit pleading eyes.

-”Don’t. Shush, I need to think”, she replied looking away from me. We entered the hotel room still in silence and Demi locked herself in the bathroom. I sighed crawling in the bed. My mother was ruining my life on purpose. What did I ever do to deserve this? I hugged the pillow against me squeezing my eyes shut. I would do anything to hold Demi in my arms right now, but I respected her privacy. If she needed a moment alone I would let her have it even if I was craving for her reassuring presence.

P.O.V. Demi

-”Phil it’s me”, I said quickly leaning my back on the bathroom door.

-”Hey Demi, everything alright?”, he asked.

-”The picture’s out”, I sighed pushing my hair out of my face.

-”Ok, we need to think fast”, he replied, “we’ll roam the internet and delete every copy of it”.

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