Chapter 58

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So since I promised a little someone that she would have a new chapter to read when she'd wake up... HERE IT IS!! :P Just keep in mind that it's 3am so it's probably not the most amazing chapter.. :P

This chapter is for CourtneyPaige0 thanks for your comment!!!!! ;)

Thanks for every follow! It means so much to me!! :D

Stay Strong everyone, and read on!! xxxxxx -N


Chapter 58

P.O.V Olivia

I slipped in my clothes observing my sleeping beauty. Demi was so beautiful, so perfect. Everyday I wondered what a girl like her was doing with a girl like me. I walked closer to the bed and pulled the covers over her naked shoulder with a serene smile on my face. Demi was all I needed to be happy, she was my everything. I was ripped away from my thoughts as my ringtone started blaring out in the room. I jumped on it, praying that it hadn’t woke up Demi. 

-“Hello?”, I whispered.

-“Olivia, it’s Sam, I’m waiting downstairs”,he said quietly.

-“Ok”, I sighed pushing my hair out of my face, “I’m coming in ten Sam”.

-“Great don’t take too much time”, he replied before hanging up. I turned around to face the bed and take a look at my girlfriend. She was still sound asleep. I walked towards her before sitting on the edge of the bed. I observed her peaceful face a moment and bent down to kiss her forehead. My fingers trailed along her hairline before I placed a lock of hair behind her ear. I wanted to take a good look at her before I had to say good bye.

-“Demi”, I whispered stroking her cheek with my thumb, “baby”. She didn’t budge, I knew Demi was a deep sleeper and a part of me didn’t want to wake her up because I didn’t want to say goodbye. “Demi”, I said louder shaking her by the shoulder. She groaned and turned her back on me. “Demetria I have to leave in ten minutes so if you don’t open your eyes there’s gonna be no goodbye kiss for you today”, I smirked as she jerked around quickly.

-“I’m up! I’m up”, she blurted out reaching for my hand, “Lie down with me for a second”, she asked in her sexy morning voice. I gave her a little smile before I snuggled into her chest. 

-“I’m gonna miss you so much baby”, I frowned breathing in her sweet vanilla scent.

-“I’ll miss you more but we can do this Livia. There’s only one month and a half before my break”, she said trying to sound happy. I looked up to get lost in her deep brown eyes and gave her a loving smile.

-“Demi I know this is hard but I love you, we’ll make it through our impossible schedule”, I smiled.

-“When are you coming back to see me on tour?”, she asked chewing on  her bottom lip.

-“Hum I was thinking March 5th”, I said thinking about it.

-“Hum well I’m flying back to LA for an interview with Jimmy Fallon on the 10th of march so maybe you could come a little later. Like maybe the 18th”, she suggested.

-“Yeah ok, I’ll talk to Collin about it”, I smiled tangling my fingers with hers.

-“Thank you”, she smiled.

-“For what?”, I asked.

-“Coming to see me so often”, she huffed giving me a loving look.

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