Chapter 10

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As always a comment = a dedication! So thank you to its_me14 for your comment it always makes me happy and helps me to keep going!!!! Thank you again its_me14 and I hope you'll like it!! :D Please, guys don't hate me when you'll be done reading this chapter!! :P


Chapter 10

P.O.V Olivia 

I was sitting on my bed looking at my iPhone's screen. Demi was reading all my messages but she wasn't replying and it was driving insane.


Olivia: Demi, I am really sorry! I'm not gonna say I didn't mean to do it because it would be a lie. But it does not excuse what I did, I had no right to kiss you!

Olivia: Demi please, I don't want that kiss to ruin our friendship! I really care about you! 

Olivia: Demi! You're worrying me! Please answer! Please! I'm so sorry!


I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to calm down a bit, she was obviously not going to answer. Maybe she needed time to process what had happened. I felt crazy, trying to apologise and get her to talk to me when she had clearly wanted to kiss me. She had grabbed me by the collar and had crashed lips on mine, I think that means something. Her kiss felt so urging and desperate like she had been waiting for it for  too long. I had loved every second of it, but now I couldn't reach those happy tingly feelings because fear haunted me. Was this the last time I would see her, touch her and hear her voice? There was a hole in my heart. I tried to push the thought of her out of my head as I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand. I missed her already. I needed Noël right now, but I couldn't call her at 2 in the morning, could I? No. I changed into an oversized shirt and pulled it over my head climbing under the blankets. I never wanted to get out of bed except if it meant being in Demi's arms.

P.O.V Demi

I was lying on my back in bed, eyes wide open. I couldn't believe what had happened. She kissed me and I kissed her. It felt so right but so wrong at the same time. What had gotten into me? I gently touched my lips trying to hold on to the feeling of the kiss. I was in complete denial. I couldn't answer any of her text, I just couldn't. A salty taste reached my mouth as I realised I was crying. The truth is I am a complete mess. I don't understand myself anymore, I'm completely lost. There was one thing I knew for sure, this would be a sleepless night. Soon enough my alarm clock went off and I sat up slowly feeling sick to my stomach and to make it even worst I  had a headache. I walked to the bathroom and entered the shower letting the hot water awake my body. Olivia. Why couldn't I get her out of my head, that was painfully throbbing by the way. After a good ten minutes under the water, I grabbed a black skinny jean with a black band tee, a black leather jacket and some black combat boots. I think it expressed my mood greatly. I walked towards the kitchen grabbing a glass that I filled with water and an orange before I sat down at the kitchen island. I sighed loudly, chewing lazily on the orange. The alarm on my phone went off letting me know that it was time to leave. I finished the orange quickly and grabbed my car keys and my sunglasses. My car roared to life and I embarked on the road, trying to prepare myself for the filming day on the X-Factor set that I had ahead.


I walked out of hair and makeup giving my iPhone to Max.

-"Hello darling", a strong British accent exclaimed, it was Simon.

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