Chapter 43

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Happy Valentine's day once again everyone!!!! :D <3 I love you all  so FUH-REAKING  much!! You're are all awesome!! :D

2nd update tonight because of this very special day!! It kinda happened because of a certain friend of mine!! So thank HugodaftDemicrazy everyone! <3 :P I hope I can put a smile on all your sexy faces! This chapter is for  demi_bluevato20!! Thanks for the comment!

Thanks for every follow! It means so much to me!! :D

Stay Strong everyone, read on and may you all find your valentine!! xxxxxx -N


Chapter 43

P.O.V Olivia

-”Hello?”, a deep masculine voice answered through the phone.

-”Hey Wilmer, it’s Olivia”, I said softly trying to sound as nice as possible even though I hated his guts.

-”What do you want!”, he replied harshly.

-”Look, I’m calling to say that I’m sorry, I really acted like a bitch. I don’t want you to walk away from Demi just because of me. The guilt is killing me”, I sighed.

-”Thank you, for apologizing”, he said calmly.

-”So, you’ll talk to her?”, I asked.

-”No”, he huffed.

-”What? I don’t understand”, I said confused.

-”You were right Olivia, everything you said was right. Demi is taken, I need to get over my feelings and the best way I know to do it is to walk away. So that’s what I’m doing. I’ll call her when I feel better. I’m doing this for myself”, he said.

-”Are you sure?”, I pleaded, “We could go out the three of us and just talk about anything for once and have fun! I promise I won’t attack you or anything!”

-”Olivia, that’s really sweet of you, but I’ll have to take a raincheck on that. It means something to me that you’re trying to help though”, he said.

-”I care about Demi and I know that she’s bummed out about what happened between you guys, I just want to put a smile back on her face”, I frowned.

-”Trust me Olivia, you can make her way more happy than I ever could. Just make her smile on your own, I know you can manage that!”, he replied kindly.

-”I hope you’re right, Wilmer, you’re actually a decent guy. Demi was right”, I smiled regretting how the situation had gotten way out of hand.

-”Just take care of her ok? Promise me you will”, he said.

-”I promise, I love her so much”, I sighed dreamingly.

-”I know that, and you’re lucky to have her heart, so don’t push your luck and treat her right.”, he huffed.

-”I know, I’m the luckiest girl on this planet”, I smiled.

-”I’m glad that you realize that. Thanks for the call, you really didn’t have to”, he said.

-”Of course I did! I was a complete bitch to you. I wasn’t right about you, at all. I think I could actually accept you if you don’t try to kiss my girlfriend again”, I smirked.

-”Haha! I won’t, I’ll talk to you some other time ok?”, he replied.

-”Ok, bye”, I said.

From Dream to Love (Demi Lovato Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora