Chapter 66

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Hi people! :) Well here is the chapter you have all been waiting for! :D I have really no other excuse than writer's block and laziness to justify the long wait.. :/ Sorry.. :P I will try to update once a week on Thursdays!! ;) Stay cool! :P

This chapter is for BettyM02 thanks for your comment!!!!! ;)

Thanks for every follow and every vote!! It means so much to me!! :D

Stay Strong everyone, and read on!! xxxxxx -N


Chapter 66

P.O.V Olivia

-“Mom! Please tell me!”, I exclaimed nervously. I couldn’t take it anymore, she had to tell me what was going on in the next ten seconds or I was going to die of a heart attack. I tried slowing my breathing but it was useless. “Mom!”, I pleaded.

-“I, I’m sorry”, she huffed, ”I came into Liam’s room this morning.”

-“And?”, I asked impatiently. Liam’s room was intact. My mom had refused to give his things away. Everything was as he let them. 

-“Come home Olivia”, she cried.

-“What?!”, I replied confused. 

-“I need you to come home”, she repeated. 

-“Okay”, I huffed quietly, “I’m coming”, I said before she hung up. I turned around and quickly grabbed my suitcase before I threw some random clothes in it. I dragged it down the hallway. 

-“Where are you going”, Sarah asked confused, “I thought we were going to watch the end of the movie.”

-“I’m flying out to Vancouver right now”, I explained. 

-“What?!”, she exclaimed jumping up to her feet, “Is your mom okay? What’s going on?”, she questioned worriedly. 

-“I have no idea…”, I sighed, stroking my left arm with my right hand, “She mentioned Liam and then she told me I needed to come home”, I finished trying hard not to break down. 

-“Liam? Oh Olivia“, she frowned opening her arms to hug me. I walked into her embrace, hiding my face in her neck as tears slowly streamed down my face. I didn’t even know how I could still be standing, when inside I was sinking. “You want me to come home with you?”, she asked rubbing my back. 

-“No”, I cried, “I need to do this on my own”. 

-“What do you need to do?”, she asked confused. 

-“I don’t know”, I huffed quietly, the sound of my voice muffled by her shirt.

-“Okay Olivia, will you call me when you get there?”, she asked with a pleading look in her eyes. 

-“I will”, I replied wearily. As I walked out of Sarah’s apartment, I threw one last look behind me, to get one last glimpse of her face. She gave me a reassuring smile. Knowing that she would be right here, waiting for me was enough to keep me going. I closed the door and walked down the stairs. Home sweet home here I come. Strangely, the thing I wanted the most was for Liam to disappear. I didn’t want get sucked into his world again. He had died, he certainly wasn’t coming back. My ringtone quickly brought me back to reality before I looked down at my phone to see Demi’s face appear on its screen.

-“Hello?”, I exclaimed quickly, stressed out by the situation.  

-“Are you okay baby?”, she asked worriedly. 

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