Chapter 30

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Thanks for everyone who comments and vote!! Share this story with your lovatics friends!! :P So this chapter is for Jateks! Thanks for the longest comment I've ever had!! You put a smile on my face!! :D

Thanks for following me people!! :D

Stay Strong everyone and enjoy  another boring filler chapter! I'm kinda having a writer's block so yeah... Sorry!! :(  xxx -N


Chapter 30

P.O.V Grace

I groaned as somebody shook me awake.

-”Grace, Gracie!”, my dad whispered, ”It’s one in the morning, go sleep in your bed!”, he said.

-”Hum”, I mumbled.

-”C’mon!”, he continued tugging on my arm to help me up. He was cruel, he just woke me up from the best fucking dream ever. Olivia had kissed. Then it hit me, she was gone! I looked around for my phone, she had left without saying goodbye. I dragged my feet to my bedroom before letting myself sink in the comfy bed. I looked at my screen and  had one new text message.


Olivia: Hey Grace, you fell asleep while we were watching the movie and I just felt that it would be easier for you if we didn’t have to say goodbye in person... So this is our goodbye. Take care of yourself... :)


I dropped my phone on my nightstand letting the sadness take over me. Not only was the kissing scene only a freaking dream and all happened in my imagination but I would never get to hold her in my arms one last time. I should’ve kissed in the real life instead of keeping it in my head. A loud sob escaped my mouth as I gripped my pillow as if my life depended on it. I would miss her so much...

P.O.V Demi

I stretched in my bed letting a yawn escape my mouth. 10:00 was the time indicated on my alarm clock. I sighed and crawled out of bed walking towards the kitchen as a sweet smell entered my nostrils.

-”Morning nena! You slept well?”, Wilmer asked with a smile.

-”Yeah”, I smiled. I had totally forgot that he slept here last night, “You really didn’t have to cook me breakfast though”.

-”Oh I didn’t, it’s just for me!”, he joked with an amused grin on his face. I slapped his arm playful pouting.

-”You’re so mean to me”, I frowned.-”Awn! I’m so sorry nena!”, he giggled pulling me in for a hug. I laughed resting my head on his chest. He pulled away and gave me two pancakes.

-”Thanks!”, I smiled and took a seat at the table observing his every move with attention. When I saw him like that, I always remembered why I fell for him in the first place. I took a bite of the pancakes and closed my eyes enjoying the delicious taste.

-”Mmh”, I moaned as all the flavors exploded in my mouth.

-”So am I still a good cook nena?”, he smirked.

-”If it’s possible you got even better!”, I beamed getting lost in his dark orbs. We were lost in each other’s eyes for a while until my phone rang.

-”Sorry”, I mumbled looking down at the caller ID. Olivia. “Sorry, I gotta take it”, I said pressing the phone against my ear.

-”Hello?”, I answered.

From Dream to Love (Demi Lovato Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant