Chapter 61

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Hello people of Wattpad!! I am back!!! :D Did you miss me?! :P So I just wanted to wish a happy birthday to DoNotLolAtMeOkay!! Have the freaking best day ever girl!! ;) Just wanted to add that a few bonus chapters are gonna be added throughout the story... If you guys didn't already know chapter 6.5 (Bonus) has been uploaded!! :)

This chapter is for JenniferKelsey thanks for your comment!!!!! ;)

Thanks for every follow and every vote!! It means so much to me!! :D

Stay Strong everyone, and read on!! xxxxxx -N


Chapter 61

P.O.V Demi

I gulped as Olivia’s words sunk in. My eyes landed on Max and Madison who were silently asking me what was going on. I chose to ignore them.

-“I’ll be right back”, I told them quickly before making my way to the lady’s room. “What’s going on Olivia? You’re scaring me”, I frowned. 

-“What? Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said it like that. I didn’t mean to freak you out!”, she replied apologetically. 

-“What happened?”, I asked again. 

-“I had the worst day ever”, she sighed, “Noël locked me up in a room with Dylan and Sarah. I freaked out.”

-“Was it that bad?”, I replied furrowing my eyebrows. 

-“Yeah”, she huffed, “It brought back bad memories, I was going insane.”

-“I wish I could be with you right now”, I frowned leaning on the wall. 

-“Me too, you have no idea”, she replied sadly, “I have something to tell y..”, she started.

-“Face time tonight?”, I asked cutting her off involuntarily, “Oh sorry, what were you saying?”, I asked chewing on my bottom lip.

-“Oh nothing, it wasn’t important. And yes please, I really need to see you”, she said. 

-“Ok, lets say 10pm?”, I suggested. 

-“Could we make it 10:30?”, she asked. 

-“Hm yeah sure”, I smiled even though she couldn’t see me. 

-“So how are you?”, she asked. 

-“I miss you already but I’m good. I’m at Starbucks with Madison and Max”, I said. 

-“Oh ok, well I’ll let you go then”, she replied. 

-“Ok, I’ll talk to you later baby”, I said happily. 

-“Definitely”, she giggled.

-“Oh and Olivia?”, I said.

-“Yeah?”, she asked. 

-“Please don’t ever use the words ‘we need to talk’ if it’s not serious ok? I thought that you were going to break up with me or something”, I huffed sadly. 

-“Demi, I love you. I’m not leaving you for Sarah or anyone else. YOU are my girlfriend and I want it to stay that way ok?”, she replied reassuringly. 

-“I love you too”, I smiled, wishing I could be in her arms. 

-“I’ll talk to you later. Bye”, she said with a smile in her voice. 

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