Chapter 26

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WARNING: Sexual Content I put a * the beginning and the end of the sexual scene so skip it if you don't want to read it!! ;) Enjoy people!!

This chapter is for you EvelynPerezRamiirez! ;) Thanks for your comments and also for answering my question!!! :P


Chapter 26

P.O.V. Olivia

I zoomed in the picture creasing my eyebrows as I tried to identify the mysterious man who was holding Demi in his arms. I brought my Iphone closer to my face, but still nothing. I had no idea of who he was. 

-”What are you doing?”, Demi giggled before siting on the couch next to me, “you look like a crazy person”.

-”Who’s this?”, I asked handing her the phone she looked at it confused before giving it back to me.

-”You seriously googled me?”, she smirked raising an eyebrow.

-”Hum yeah, it’s my fangirl side”, I blushed.

-”You can look at me in real life and you still look me up?”, she replied popping a grape in her mouth.

-”Well I could’ve missed a moment of sexiness or cuteness”, I giggled.

-”How about we make a sexy moment right here?”, she smirked grabbing me by my shirt and pulling me closer to her.

-”First you tell me who that is”, I said amused.

-”Well you’re not a very informed Lovatic if you don’t him”, she giggled.

-”Would you just tell me!”, I pouted.

-”Promise me that we’ll have that sexy moment even after I tell you”, she said.

-”I promise! Now tell me!”, I exclaimed.

-”It’s my ex, Wilmer”, she explained looking away from me.

-”Oh”, I mumbled.

-”But wasn’t that picture taken like a month ago?”, I asked a bit confused.

-”I don’t know, I don’t remember”, she huffed obviously lying to me.

-”I know for a fact that it was last month”, I argued.

-”Huh? How?”, she frowned.

-”I remember that dress”, I explained. 

-”Well it might’ve been, I told you I don’t remember.”, she repeated. Was she hiding something?

-”It’s simple Demi, just tell me if you saw him last month”, I sighed. She turned her head towards me her deep brown eyes lost in mine.

-”Yeah, I saw him”, she sighed.

-”Did something happen?”, I asked even though she looked annoyed by the subject.

-”Of course not Olivia! Who do you think I am? We said we were exclusive I wasn’t going to cheat on you!”, she exclaimed her face turning red. She dropped her bowl on the coffee table loudly pushing herself up to her feet. “When you’ll be ready to talk about something other than my ex, I’ll be in our room”, she said calmly before walking away. I waited a few minutes before walking towards the room and leaning on the doorway, crossing my arms over my chest. I observed her. Her eyes were closed and her head was laid back on the pillow her headphones on her head. She was humming quietly bobbing her head slowly. I bit my lip, thinking about what I should do. I walked closer and sat on the edge of the bed taking off her headphones slowly. She opened her eyes staring at me with a neutral expression.

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