Chapter 46

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I won't be updating very often this week, I have too many exams but I'll do my best! ;) This chapter is for DoNotLolAtMeOkay!! Thank for your comment!! ;)

Thanks for every follow! It means so much to me!! :D

Stay Strong everyone, and read on!! xxxxxx -N


Chapter 46

P.O.V Olivia

I held the empty boxes tighter as I swallowed with difficulty. This was it. Noël patted my back encouragingly sending me warm smile.

-”Let’s go, you can do this. It’s me and you against the world!”, she smiled. She was wrong, it was me and Demi against the world. I took a big breath before I slid my key into the lock, twisting it open. 

-”Vivian?”, I called through the house but got no response. I walked in, feeling the nerves leave my body. “Let’s hurry and get out of here before she comes back!”, I exclaimed running up the stairs to my room. 

-”What do you wanna start with?”, Noël asked looking around my room.

-”Hum just grab everything you see on the desk and put them in a box”, I said walking towards my closet. I had missed my shoes so much. I threw them all in one box, before starting to pack my books. 

-”Did you hear that?”, Noël asked.

-”Hear what?”, I replied and the same moment I heard a thud.

-”Someone’s definitely in the house”, Noël answered keeping her eyes glued on the door. I got up slowly and stepped in the hallway. 

-”Olivia?”, Vivian asked.

-”Yeah it’s me mother”, I replied nervously and heard her climb the stairs. Her long brown hair was now shoulder length.

-”What are you doing here?”, she asked raising an eyebrow.

-”I came back to pack my things”, I explained calmly. I saw a flash of sadness cross her eyes but it went away as fast as it had appeared.

-”Ok”, she sighed, “When will I see you again?”

-”I don’t know mother, but it won’t be so soon. My album is coming out on February 11th, so I’m packing my things here, flying back to LA and then I start promoting my album for the rest of the month and the beginning of march.”, I explained running my hand through my hair.

-”Ok, how is Demi?”, she asked earning her a surprise look from me.

-”She’s good, her tour just started, she’s going to San Jose”, I said calmly.

-”Good for her”, she smiled stroking my arm, “How is your relationship?”

-”We’re ok, being apart for so long is gonna be hard, but we’ll get through it”, I smiled.

-”Do you know when you’ll see her next?”, she asked.

-”Hum, yeah, she doesn’t know but I’m surprising her on valentine’s day”, I smiled, “It’ll be our 7 month anniversary.”

-”Wow, I’m happy for you Olivia”, she replied.

-”Thank you”, I said hesitantly, “I’m gonna go back to packing now”, I continued pointing my room.

-”Do you need any help?”, she questioned.

-”Oh no thank you, Noël is already helping”, I smiled. My mom took a look in the room and smiled at Noël.

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