Chapter 19

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SURPRISE AGAIN!!! You guys better show me some love!! :P

Thanks for the lovely comments btw!! <3

Not really edited sorry about that but I like Demi says, so whatever!! :P


Chapter 19

P.O.V Demi

I took a big breath before reaching for Olivia's hand and placing it over my heart.

-"Do you feel that?", I asked referring to my heart beat. She nodded looking a bit confused, "Every time I hear your voice, every time I see your face or even just hear your name, my heartbeat gets faster. Not just because I'm crazy about you, but because I spend every second of every day missing you. I'm always thinking that maybe if I didn't have this crazy life, just maybe everything would be different between us. Maybe we would've been officially dating for like three months and maybe we would be talking about you moving in with me. Maybe just maybe I would get to see you everyday, kiss you in the middle of the street and scream at the top of my lungs that I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with you. I could run around town holding your hand take you out on dates!", I said dreamingly giggling a little, "I just, I'm holding you back Olivia, you're missing out on so much because of me. You're here like the perfect girlfriend I could ever ask for and I'm running around doubting you even if you did nothing to deserve it. You're one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I love you so much. You've made me the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. You made every smile more sincere and every touch more delicate and perfect. I seriously doubt that I'll ever find someone as amazing as you. You've been there for me, you held me in your arms and wiped my tears away. You made me fall even harder for you.", I smiled, "But every fairy tale has its ending right", I smiled sadly.

-"What are you saying Demi!", she frowned.

-"I'm saying that if you want to go back to Grace and be with her, I totally understand. I get that I've been far from perfect and way too jealous even though we aren't even together. I know by the way she looks at you that she's still in love with you. She wants you back and if I came to Starbucks today, it wasn't because I was scared of what you would do. I knew you wouldn't cheat on me. I just, I  didn't know if I was enough for you. She is gorgeous and she's so kind, it's not hard to fall for her I guess", I huffed, "I'm not a super model Olivia and I know it but she on the other hand is", I said but she cut me off.

-"Don't you dare finish that sentence", she frowned tightening her grip on my hand, "I can't believe what I'm hearing Demi! You are gorgeous! You are deadly sexy and I swear one day that body of yours will be the death of me. I know you're not a super model and that's only one of the numerous things I love about you. I love you, not only for your beautiful soul and that huge generous heart of yours. I love you because you have those big brown eyes that are so hypnotizing and because you have that cute dimple in your chin", she smiled brushing her fingers over it, "I love you because you're  so hot all of the time. I love you because you're doing whatever you want with your hair and you just don't give a fuck about what people think! I love you because most of your jokes are not funny but you still manage to make me laugh hysterically. Everything you say makes me smile and everything you do makes me want to kiss you. I love you because when I hold you close to me your body fits perfectly against mine. I love you because you are you. Ok?", she smiled sadly and I nodded even though I couldn't understand why she loved me that much.

-"Ok", I whispered, "if you still want to date Grace though, I understand", I whispered praying to every god who was listening  that she wouldn't leave me for Grace.

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