Chapter 33

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So.. There is this reader, RuthAlyssa and I already gave her a mention but I mean when someone is that UH-MAZING you gotta shout it from the top of the roof! So gurl seriously, your comments mean so much to me! You're always being honest and that's what I love about you! So I'm giving you a big fat shout out!! Please don't stop commenting cause I really take what you're saying in consideration. Your opinion matters to me!! :D So thank you again! <3 

OH AND Thanks for following me people!! :D Each follow means so much to me!! :')

Stay Strong everyone! xxx -N


Chapter 33

P.O.V Demi

I yawned waking up from a good night of sleep and turned around to cuddle with Olivia. A frown appeared on my face as I realized that she had already left for the studio. I grabbed her pillow inhaling her smell. She had been sleeping here almost every night for about a week and I loved it. I sat up and saw a little note on my nightstand.


Hey Demi, I had to leave for the studio already and I didn’t want to wake you up. You were way too damn cute!! :)’’’ Anyway Wilmer is in the living room! :o I don’t know what he’s doing here he just showed up and asked to wait for you... I’ll go back home tonight,  I thought that maybe you’d like to have your bed for yourself I’ve kinda been invading your privacy! :P Sorry about that.. So I’ll see you tomorrow? :o Love ya! <3 xxxxxx 


End note.

Seriously she was stupid to think that I would want her out of here. Her birthday was coming up in two months, and I actually wanted her to move in with me. We will have been dating for 8 months, so I think it’s pretty reasonable. Even if it might seem a bit soon, with our both VERY busy schedules living together would  get us to spend more time in each other’s company. I quickly grabbed some sweat pants and a Band-Tee before walking out of the room.

-”Wilmer?”, I called rubbing my eyes.

-”Yeah in the kitchen!”, he replied as I walked over to him.

-”Hey what are you doing here?”, I asked leaning against the counter.

-”Good morning to you too nena!”, he smirked.

-”Oh yeah sorry ‘bout that”, I smiled.

-”Well if you must know, I’m here to talk about Olivia”, he smiled.

-”What about her?”, I frowned furrowing my eyebrows.

-”I’d like to take her out, if you’d let me!”, he replied.

-”What the fuck? You wanna go out with my lesbian girlfriend!”, I exclaimed.

-”Hum I don’t want to take her on a date, I just wanna take her to dinner. I want her to like me. She’ll never let me see you if she doesn’t like me. So let me take her out!”, he explained.

-”Own! You’re so cute”, I giggled, “You can ask her out! But I think she’ll most likely say no”, I said biting in a strawberry.

-”Yeah that’s what I figured too. So I thought that you could convince her”, he smiled.

-”I’ll try but I’m not promising anything!”, I smirked. There’s no way Olivia would say yes to that.

-”Just tell her to meet you here tonight and I’ll come pick her up ok?”, he asked.

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