18.Simply A Matter Of Time

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Pakistan 2014

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Pakistan 2014

A vast blanket of white hung over the street. It suffocated every house and every tree on the neighborhood. Swallowing every distant object with no sign of the sun peeking out from within the clouds.

Amidst the houses stood a house, with windows opened wide. The curtains from within swayed together with the wind and fog wrapped around. The wind howled seeping through every corner inside the house.

Anyone passing by his house wouldn't fail to notice him lying in his bed sound asleep through his windows.

The room was dark and quiet. A prayer mat lay opened with a corner folded in the front of his bed. The bathroom door was left ajar and light emerged from it. He lay asleep on his stomach even though he knew it was wrong.

His alarm clock went off and he groaned banging it on the bedside table. His head throbbed. Effects of too much sleep. He felt severely cold. He burried his head between the covers over due to the cold that swarmed over his body even in the long sleeved pajamas and heavy blanket.

He would have lazed in bed all day, had the memory of what occured last week not have captured his mind. His chest was suddenly hit with the pangs of pain in realisation. He groggily got up sitting with his head low. The cold fog wrapped around him, making him shiver. It had been a whole week he hadn't gone for any job interviews.

The pain in his chest reminded him each day of his loss, he thought if he kept his mind busy by sleeping or being out of the house, and not thinking too much it would work. He would toss and turn each night, and cry until his head hurt. But sleep was scarce and scattered. And dreams are tortured. Being alone never helped. His memories would haunt him over and over again. His heart only called out one name. Like a mantra.

Meeza Meeza Meeza

A pain he was all too familiar with grappled his heart at the thought of her. After the thoughts that he tried to surpress slapped him with the bitterness of reality, the ultimate bleak climate seemed more colorless than it already was.

His world was back to black and white. Seeing Meeza after so many years again refreshed all his memories. His world suddenly burst alive in technicolor. He had found something that he had been searching for a very long time.

She was the love of his life.
And he had lost her.
This is what heartbreak felt like.

He slowly got up on his feet. His body weighing a ton. Every step he took felt like he was pulling a truck behind him. He stifled a yawn and recited Taawuz after placing his hand over his mouth.

"Achoo" he sneezed aloud with bloodshot and water eyes.

"Here it goes" he sniffed waiting for the chain of sneezes to follow. His head felt mindfully heavy, as if it were filled with heavy weigthts. He finally looked up and realised he had left the windows opened all night. His prayer mat reminded him he hadn't got up for fajr. The feeling of dread filled through him instantly. He dragged himself towards the window to close it. He shut his eyes instantly. It was so white it hurt his eyes. He slowly adjusted to the brightness. The early morning fog loomed as far as he could see. It surrounded his house in a thick white veil.

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