34. A Painful Memory

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"Shoot I'm late" she gave her watch another glance and quickened her pace. She jumped off the bus and looked out at the dark cloudy night feeling nauseated. She hadn't been out this late ever, but it was a dinner arranged for her, skipping was clearly not an option tonight.

A cold breeze hit her making her wrap her red cherry shawl over her shoulders for extra warmth. She pressed her lips together remembering she had her favourite lipstick on, she recalled Saaleha's words while she was applying.

"What's the point? Your face is covered"

"Why not? It's for my self happiness" she pouted at her sisters reflection in the mirror.

She put on makeup because she felt good putting it on, she wanted to look pretty for herself. No matter how tired or disheveled she looked, lipstick always boosted her.

Fixing her hijab one more time she started walking toward the chinese restaurant; carefully crossing the road. The traffic was crazy at this hour.

Chinese lanterns decorated the open area.

"Aah there she is, I was afraid you wouldn't turn up" Hamza's delightful voice broke the silence. The crowd cheered on seeing Meeza.

"Never on time! As always" Zoya ran upto Meeza and wrapped her arm with Meeza's, her curled hair bobbing as she did.

"Sorry; I had errands to do" she sheepishly apologised walking upto the rest with Zoya hand in hand.

"Cinderella" Rabiya laughed.

Meeza's workmates greeted her. The atmosphere was chill and relaxing. It was a peaceful night. There was annoying music in the background but Meeza didn't let that get to her. The sound of laughter around arose her spirits and made her forget what had been on her mind all along.

"Alright guys this way" Hamza gestured them to follow him.

He led them to an opening by a garden.

"Wowww" the girls cooed in awe.

"This is simply amazing!" Meeza beamed looking at the lights.

A huge banner that read 'we will miss you' appeared hanging between two poles.

"Oh my"
She raised a hand to her face.

"This is so nice of all of you"
Her eyes instantly filled with tears.

"Thank you all... this... everything, means alot" she hugged Zoya giving Hamza a look full of thankfulness. He nodded his head in response smiling and closing his eyes while he did.

"Dinner!" He gestured to a line of waiters who appeared out of nowhere. Each holding a silver buffet dish in hand.

The crowd beamed with excitement and rushed to get a seat.


"You still love her" Zoya whispered in Hamza's right ear and quickly moved to his left. She had been watching him the entire time.

"No I don't" he smirked looking over his right shoulder then realising she had moved away.

"Seen from a mile away" she poked his left hand and began working where Hamza had left off.

He watched Meeza tip her head back and laugh with Rabiya.

"Why so perfect?" He sighed. Zoya rolled her eyes.

"Is it that obvious" he failed to hide his smile then turned around and pulled the Mic from Zoya's hold. He had forgotten all about it in his train of thoughts.

"No, only someone who would be staring at you the entire time would notice" Zoya helped him with the stand.

"And why would you be staring at me?"
He tuned in the amplifier making it screech.

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