29. A Sudden Death

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One day you're here next thing you're gone, gone with many unsaid words, broken promises, yet still you live as though your life is promised, living a carefree life, I mean what could possibly go wrong? What
could ever happen, death is for the old right? Wrong.

How often you forget that you are a but a mere soul that can be taken away at any moment, how you often forget that you are only a name in the list of the angel of death and how often you forget that you were born alone and will die alone and will be judged alone.

You don't know how strong you are until you loose someone who kept the family together. You don't realise how strong you are until you are sleeping in the same place
where someone passed away. The truth is you don't realise or understand how strong you are until death comes knocking at your door and takes away someone you love. It is only then when you understand how much pain threshold you have.

"What happened to Baba" Meeza shook Saaleha by her shoulders. Her eyebrows tensing in fear. The audience gaping at her made her stomach churn in fear.

"Jawab do! Where is Baba??" She yelled in frustration.

Saaleha shook her head uncontrollably then grabbed Meeza by her hand and took her into the house.

Meeza saw a flash of white and her heart dropped when she saw the shroud. The dead body on the floor. She composed herself and slowly walked to the body, her knees buckled underneath her. People moved aside to give her way.

She prayed it wasn't him.

Her body weighed a ton as she pulled herself towards the body. A million thoughts ran through her head. Her hand hovered over the cloth. She gripped the white cloth debating whether she should uncover it or not. Her petite hands shook as she gently uncovered the face. Her hand drew back and she watched in horror.

It was him.

Her dad.
Her father.
Her Baba,

Lying peacefully asleep. His unensouled body had grown cold. His face was pale white and he looked content. As though he had slept peacefully after a hundred years.

She felt a pain in her chest she had never felt before. The feeling of hollow emptiness. She fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as her grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears.

"Baba!" She began to sob outright.

"Why Baba why did you leave me like this" Saaleha tried to stop her.

"No!" She couldn't stop the pain in her chest. Saaleha and a few ladies stopped her from mourning.

"I'm back now, your Meeza is here now, please wake up" she wasn't in her senses and Saaleha couldn't control her.
It was painful for Saaleha to see her like this. She pulled her and hugged her both crying together.

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