35. Emotions Impound

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She dragged her bag and walked into the waiting area to see who was here for her. Her eyes darted back and forth until she came across a person amidst the crowd holding up a sign that read. Meeza Saahir Khan.

She shook her head in disbelief and walked towards him. He helped her with her bags and she followed him to the car. Her head ached due to crying the previous night.

Thinking of her mum brought tears to her eyes again, she had never seen her mother cry like this since her father had passed away.

She searched for the car or anyone looking out of the ordinary.

He watched as she peered about looking for him. It made him uncomfortable. He pretended he hadn't seen her.

There he was seated fashionably. He had his sunglasses on and stared into nothingness. Leaning on his car, arms folded. Her stomach churned. She found herself flashing back to the last time she saw him.

Meeza could already feel her blood boil at the mere sight of him. It had been months since she last saw him. Her heart beat accelerated. Her mind told her to run away but her feet betrayed her. She found herself walking towards the car closer and closer.

Emotions, flashes and pain flood over.

Why am I doing this ?

This I going to end badly.

I'll end up getting hurt all over again.

There was no turning back.

Too late Meeza..

Deep breaths, deep breaths - you will survive this.

She felt better talking to her inner self

The chauffeur opened the car and Meeza sat down buckling her seat belt.

"I'll take it from here" he told him and sat on the front seat.

Meeza felt awkward, uncomfortable, most of all stupid. She wanted to run away yet she crossed a hundred miles to be with the same person who couldn't even greet her. She could not believe she had put herself in this position again. Her nerves slowly settled after taking the back seat.

"AssalamuAlaikum" he greeted soon enough not looking her in the eye.

"Waalaykumsalam" she replied in an upbeat and unhappy tone, regretting her ill thoughts.

The picture of him holding the revolver flashed through her mind and all those memories began to resurface one by one. But perhaps he had changed ?she re-thought.

"How are you doing?"

"Alhamdulillah and yourself" she answered with disinterest.

She hadn't payed him a single look.

"Good too"

Emotions ruled the scene.

She was glad he didn't mention the incident that occurred. She decided she'd rest the case for now, it was too soon to jump into the topic, she would later on ask him why he wanted her here, no time wasted. She leaned back and shut her eyes.


He helped her with her bags and she walked into the house with her gaze low. Every step she took inside reminded her of how she ran from here. How it had felt like a jail back then, And she felt dumb for being back here again. She told herself she would leave as soon as she finds out his motive.

Something didn't feel right, she felt she shouldn't be there. She should run back.
The house was exactly how she left it, except it looked as though the furniture was screaming at her.

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