Chapter 1: The Beginning

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It was a beautiful summer evening. Spencer Hastings would've rather gone outside and enjoyed a nice evening walk or a bonfire, but alas, her best friend, Hanna Marin, just had to drag her to this club. Spencer wanted more than anything to back out, but Hanna really wanted Spencer to be at her 21st birthday party.

Spencer, now 22, knew that there was nothing much to a 21st birthday party. Although it was illegal before, Hanna did get drunk occasionally. But now, it's legal. To Spencer, a 21st birthday parties were just excuses to get drunk.

Although the one thing that made her stay was the group of guys in the back corner. They were celebrating something as well, and there was one guy in particular that obviously didn't want to be there either. Spencer related to him.

"Spencer!" Hanna yelled. She wanted all of them to take a shot together, but Spencer politely declined. She promised herself that she would be going home that night 100% sober.

"I think I'm going to get some air," she said to Hanna, practically yelling over the loud club music.

As Spencer made her way outside, she noticed that the mysterious guy from earlier had left the group as well. Spencer didn't give it much thought. She went outside, feeling the summer breeze on her skin. Hanna wanted her to wear something short and revealing, hoping to steer some attention. Spencer was freezing.

Spencer took a deep breath. This whole "club" scene wasn't exactly her style. She would much rather be at home, baking or reading. Clubs seemed so sketchy. Plus, she hated loud noises. But, she didn't say anything because of Hanna.

"You don't like clubs either?" She heard a voice from behind her. She turned around, and there he was. The guy from the other side of the club. The guy who obviously wasn't having a good time.

"No, I don't really go to clubs. It's too loud and crowded for me," Spencer admitted, "I'm only here because it's my best friend's birthday."

"I hate clubs too," he said, "my brother is getting married tomorrow, so we decided to have his bachelor party here."

"Wow, not a strip club? That's different."

"He hates strip clubs. He would never do that to his fiancée," he said. He looked over, and saw that she was shivering, "Are you cold?" he asked, taking off his jacket. He put it around her, and she was overcome with the feeling of warmth.

"Thanks. You know, I usually don't dress like this,"

"Just like you usually don't go to clubs?" he said, a sly smile on his face. Spencer loved that smile.

"I never go to clubs. And I never dress like this," Spencer admitted, laughing a little.

What she didn't know was that this guy loved her laugh just as much as she loved his smile. "Do you want to get out of here? I know of this bakery just down the street," the guy offered.

Spencer would've loved to go on a date with him, but she barely knew him. For all she knew he could be a serial killer or something. But, he seemed like a nice guy. After all, he did give her his jacket. "I would love to," Spencer agreed.

They walked down the street- Spencer was thankful she decided to wear flats- and they made their way to the bakery he could not stop talking about. They bought pastries and coffee, and they began to talk.

"So are you and your brother close?" Spencer asked, taking a bite of her pastry.

"At times. He's seven years older than me, so we never went to school together or anything."

"Well, you're lucky. I would've killed for a brother or a sister."

"Trust me, it's not all it's cracked up to be. I've known him all my life and he still didn't make me his best man. He probably doesn't even know that I'm gone."

Spencer sipped her coffee. "I get it. My parents never really acknowledged me." she mentioned.

"How so?"

"They were really busy when they had me. They never did the usual parent stuff like going to dance recitals or even helping me with homework. Even now, they can't even visit for the holidays."

The man grabbed her hand, and Spencer swore that she felt a spark.


As they walked down the streets- Spencer's apartment complex wasn't too far away- they continued to talk. It was one of those conversations that didn't seem to end; but Spencer loved every second of it.

"Okay, what sports teams do you like?" Spencer asked. She was so tempted to hold his hand, but she resisted the urge.

"I don't really like sports," he said, "my dad is a huge Steelers fan, though."

"I don't like sports either!" Spencer exclaimed, causing the two to laugh.

"Alright," he said, trying to think of a new question, "what did you study in college?"

"I started college majoring in finance. But now I cater for weddings and parties. And I didn't want to say anything, but I actually own that bakery we went to."

The man stopped, smiling and staring at her. "Are you kidding? That bakery has the best scones I've ever had," he said, causing Spencer to laugh, "And by the way, I never would've guessed you were a caterer."

"What would you have guessed?"

"I don't know, a supermodel? You're beautiful." They both laughed.

They continued to walk, and Spencer felt the man reach for her hand. She flinched at first, but then she let him hold her hand. They felt so comfortable with each other, which was odd, considering they had only known each other for a few hours. They didn't even know each other's first names.

They talked about everything. Things they love, things they hate, their childhood pets, their hobbies, and their lives. She discovered that he was in the Air Force, he hated loud places and alcohol, and he loved to read and travel. And she still didn't get his name. And he didn't get hers.

Spencer felt her heart break a little when they arrived at the front of her apartment. "Well, this is my place," she said, the glum tone obvious in her voice.

"Have a good night," he said walking her to her front door.

"Goodnight," she said, wishing she could turn back tie and relive this night.

He couldn't end the night like this. For all he knew, this could be the woman he would one day marry. "Wait," he said, grabbing her hand.

He leaned in and kissed her. And in that moment, time stopped. All they could feel was each other. They forgot about everything around them, and their lips were perfectly in sync. When they pulled away, they both felt it. The sparks. The connection. Everything. That warming feeling inside that made them both feel complete.

"Goodnight." he said, stepping back, but not before pushing a few locks of her dark brown hair behind her ear.

"Goodnight." Spencer said, smiling the biggest smile in the world.

He walked away but then he remembered something. Something important. "Hey, I never got your name!" he said, calling back to her.

Spencer smiled. "It's Spencer."

He had never heard a name more beautiful.

"What about you?" She asked, the curiosity killing her.

He smiled. "'I'm Toby."

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