Chapter 38: Surprise Guests

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While Spencer was doing schoolwork in her living room, impatiently waiting for the time when she would have to put down her work and pick up her son, she heard a knock at the door. She wasn't expecting anybody; Toby was at work, as he luckily got his job back, so Spencer knew it couldn't have been him.

She opened the door, and was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by her lifelong friend, Hanna.

"Did you miss me?" Hanna playfully asked, before Spencer gasped and hugged her blonde friend.

"What are you doing here? Oh my god, I can't believe you're here!" Spencer exclaimed, smiling.

"I though I'd surprise you! Eight months is too long without my best friend," Hanna said, embracing her best friend yet again.

The two went to lunch, catching up and laughing about nonsense. Both had forgotten what is was like to actually have a friend to talk to.

"Spence?" Hanna said, getting her brunette friend's attention.

"Yeah, Han?" Spencer said. She heard the concern in Hanna's voice, which worried her.

"I quit my job in L.A.," Hanna confessed, "I hated it there, and I miss being here."

"Hanna!" Spencer said, her eyes widening in concern.

"Spence, you know I hated it there! It wasn't worth it." Hanna said. She paused, waiting for a response. When Spencer said nothing, she spoke again. "I need a place to stay."

Spencer gave Hanna an exasperated look. There weren't enough rooms for Hanna, and Spencer didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

"I'll even sleep on the couch. Please, Spence. Only for a few days. Then I'll be out of your hair and in a place of my own," Hanna begged. She had been living in a motel room since she arrived in Hartford two days ago, and she hated it. She was pretty sure there were bedbugs- roaches, at the very least- living in her mattress. But it was all she could afford at the moment. She was saving as much money as she could to get her own apartment.

"Alright, fine," Spencer said finally giving in. "An you don't have to sleep on the couch. We have a guest room. But you have to make it up to me by helping Isaac with his homework every once in a while."

Hanna chuckled. "Deal."

Just like that, the two felt like teenagers again.


"Spencer, you need to breathe," Toby said, firmly holding his girlfriend who was frantically panicking because she couldn't stand living with her best friend any longer. She loved Hanna, no doubt about that, but that didn't mean she wanted Hanna right by her side, all day every day.

"Hanna's car hasn't come in yet and she needs me to take her to the DMV," Spencer explained.

"Okay, can that wait until tomorrow? You're freaking out so much I'm afraid you're going to explode," He relaxed a bit when he saw her smile at his joke.

She looked up at him, kissing him once. "It can't," she insisted, making her way to the door. When she opened the door, she was startled and surprised to see her parents on the other side, about to knock.

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" Spencer asked, to shocked to say anything else.

"Honey, we called you. We told you we were visiting for Thanksgiving, remember?" Spencer's mother said.

Spencer automatically felt guilty. She forgot that her own parents were visiting. Of course, she'd forgotten. She was so caught up with schoolwork and her child and now Hanna, that she completely forgot about her parents.

The next week was by far the most stressful week of her life.

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