Chapter 32: Learning To Forgive

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After dropping Isaac off with his mother, Toby and Shannon made their way to Shannon's apartment after the baseball game. The two were content living in separate apartments, seeing as they had only been together for roughly three months.

They met through Toby's brother and a few mutual friends. Jonathan's best friend happened to be Shannon's older brother, and the two immediately connected at Maria's first birthday party. Throughout the infant's party, the two shared laughs and common interests, resulting in a mutual attraction. To Shannon, it was love at first sight. Toby, on the other hand, was just trying to move on from the biggest heartbreak of his life.

"How are you and Spencer friends?" Shannon asked, breaking the awkward silence between them. Since she found out that Spencer and her boyfriend had a history, the curiosity was eating her alive.

Toby gave her a confused look. "I told you, she catered for Jonathan and Rebecca's wedding."

"Well yeah, but was she a family friend or something? You don't just hang out with the caterer from your brother's wedding," Shannon said, trying to come to a conclusion. It wasn't that she didn't like Spencer, she did. She just needed to know if she needed to look out.

Toby took in a deep sigh. He had to tell her the truth, whether they liked it or not. "We dated for a while about three years ago,"

"Oh," Shannon said, dumbfounded, "were you guys... serious?" Toby looked at Shannon briefly, debating whether or not to answer. Shannon then realized that she had become her worst nightmare: a jealous, obsessive girlfriend. "I'm sorry, that's none of my business-"

"No, it's fine," Toby said, "We were engaged for a while. She was with me after I got into that accident in Syria,"

"Oh, so it was really serious," Shannon concluded. She didn't want to be overly attached or obsessive, but she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable with this friendship. Spencer had been there for him when he needed help. He was a father figure for her child.

Spencer had a ring, and she didn't.

"Hey, don't worry about anything," Toby assured her, "you know I've only got eyes for you."

Shannon smiled, feeling relieved. If Toby said that there was nothing to worry about, then she believed him. After all, why would he lie?

As Toby walked her to her door and kissed her goodnight, she couldn't help but feel head-over-heels in love. She hadn't felt that way in a long time.


Spencer had declined all eleven calls from Mark that evening. She didn't want to hear any more made up excuses. She was tired of him, especially after tonight.

After she took her still sleeping son to bed, she decided to call Hanna and tell her everything. Her call went straight the voicemail, then she received a text message from her friend.

"At work. I'll call you tomorrow morning."

Spencer sighed. As much as she hated to admit it, Hanna was her only real friend. Sure, there were a few co-workers she hung out with here and there, but Hanna was the only one who really knew her and all her baggage. Now that Hanna was all the way across the country, Spencer couldn't help but feel like she was losing her. She was soon becoming a shut-in again, and Spencer didn't want to be one of those moms that only hung out with their children.

Almost immediately after Spencer received Hanna's text, she got yet another call from Mark. The twelfth call within the last three hours.

"What?" She answered, annoyed.

"Spencer, please just hear me out-"

"I've told you countless times already that I don't care what you have to say. Isaac was counting on you tonight. I'm so disappointed in you right now,"

"I'm sorry," Mark said, sounding completely defeated. The one thing he hated more than anything was making Spencer disappointed. She was the one perfect thing in his life.

He hated to think it, but he constantly felt like Isaac was just a disruption in their romance. He knew that he was partly the reason Isaac existed in the first place, and sometimes he wished he could just turn back time and stop it from happening.

Spencer knew in her heart that she could never forgive him, but she needed Isaac to have a good relationship with his father. It meant that much to her. "I'm giving you one last chance to make things right. You can come back tomorrow morning." Spencer hung up the phone, sighing.

Spencer couldn't imagine ever being on good terms with Mark again, but for her son's sake, she had to pretend.

She knew for sure it was over between them, but Isaac didn't have to suffer too.

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