Chapter 42: Back To "Normal"

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Spencer and Toby learned to adapt to having two new children in the house. It was hard at first, since the family was still grieving after their tragic loss, but they found comfort in knowing that Maria and Ana were safe.

A cousin of Rebecca's, Isabel, reached out and offered to take the girls in as her own and have them live in Puerto Rico. For a second, they considered, thinking it would be best for the girls. But they wouldn't adapt, especially Maria. Because she was so young, Maria was hypersensitive to her surroundings. She may not have been able to understand, but she could feel the tension or love. She couldn't adapt to living in another country with family members she barely knew. Her life was here, in Connecticut. She spoke English and was close with her grandparents. They knew it would be the right decision to keep her and Ana in Connecticut, so they politely declined.

Isaac was being such a sweetheart, and Spencer was totally grateful. Though it was small, he slept in the guest room, which was the farthest away from his mother's room, so Maria could move into his. Spencer and Toby finally found a crib for Ana, so she wouldn't have to sleep in the same bed with them anymore.

But it still wasn't enough.

Eventually, Ana was going to grow up and need her own space. They wanted the girls to have their own spaces, given that they weren't very close in age.

Whether they wanted to or not, the family had no choice but to move.

They found a house just a few miles away, and it was perfect for a family of five. It had four bedrooms, a spacious living room, and it was closer the school that both Spencer and Toby worked at.

Christmastime rolled around, and things were finally starting to feel normal. The couple learned that they needed boundaries once in a while, considering they worked in the same building, but it worked out. They saw each other every once in a while at work, then they would go home together. The kids felt at home, especially Maria and Isaac, and that was all Spencer and Toby could've asked for.

They hung up pictures in their home of their friends and family, including Mark, Hanna, their parents, and Jonathan and Rebecca. They celebrated their first Christmas as a family in their new home, and it was beyond perfect.

"This one is for you," Toby said, handing a small present to Spencer.

"We said we were only focusing on the kids' presents," Spencer noted, looking up at Toby.

"I know," Toby said, "but I wanted to get you something special. To show you how much you mean to me,"

Spencer smiled, then proceeded to open the gift. It was a diamond ring.

"Toby," Spencer sighed, feeling a million different emotions at once.

"I've lost you once, and I never want to lose you again. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I keep going back to that night in the bakery, the day we met, and I keep thinking about how lucky I felt to be in your presence. You were so full of joy and positivity, and you haven't changed a bit. I want us to be a family. I want to wake up to you every morning and fall asleep with you every night for the rest of my life. I want to raise these children with you and maybe have some of our own. Spencer, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife, and will you marry me? For real, this time."

Spencer laughed at Toby's last remark, then looked up from the ring to see her son's face. He was happy. He wanted this, too. This meant as much to him as it did to her. She looked back at Toby. His hand held hers, and he looked anxious. He had done this with her before, twice in fact, but this was serious. They had three kids now, and she had to think about what was best for them.

They were already living together, and they were supporting each other as if they were already husband and wife. Spencer smiled, content with the answer she had in mind.

"Yes, of course,"


By the time the children were in bed, it was nearly ten. Spencer crawled into bed with her new fiancé after putting their one-month-old niece to bed.

"It's gorgeous," Spencer said, admiring her new ring.

"You're gorgeous," Toby said, leaning over and kissing Spencer.

The two continued to kiss, overjoyed with love and compassion. Toby held Spencer in his arms, her petite frame against his chest. They both felt nothing but love for each other in that moment. As things got more heated, they both realized how they wouldn't trade anything in the world for each other. Their love was so strong that they knew it would last forever, and they had no plans to change that.

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