Chapter 17: Wide Awake

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The next afternoon, Spencer went to lunch with Marion Cavanaugh, Toby's mother. Spencer immediately recognized her, as she had the same light brown hair and mesmerizing blue eyes as Toby.

"I can see why my son admires you so much," Marion said, "you're a beautiful, smart, and obviously kind woman."

Spencer smiled. She was thankful that at least one of Toby's parents liked her. She was well aware that Toby's father, Daniel, loathed her. "So, what was Toby like as a kid? I want all the details." Spencer exaggerated and smiled.

Marion laughed to herself. She knew her younger son wasn't as social or extroverted as her eldest, but she loved him regardless. She worried about him a lot, especially when he was younger. She was well aware that Toby believed that he was the least favorite of the two. "Well, he was actually a very shy child," she started, "Toby wasn't interested in sports or making friends. He was pretty quiet. He was a perfect little boy, but that all changed when he became a teenager. When he was in high school, he was quite the ladies' man. He had girlfriends all throughout high school." Marion laughed to herself lightly, then frowning. It was obviously still a sore subject. Toby had a problem in high school when it came to girls. Marion knew that her son was a womanizer, and that he hadn't changed his ways until he met Spencer.

Spencer was well aware of Toby's past, especially about how much of a womanizer Toby had been until they met. It had taken her a while to be comfortable with the thought. She knew that just two days before she met Toby, he had a one-night-stand with a woman he barely knew. Toby probably had triple the amount of former sexual partners than Spencer had, maybe even more. Spencer had only ever had sex with two people: Mark and James. She mentally scolded herself for thinking about James. She crossed him off her list immediately. Now, in her mind, she only had sex with one person.

Their conversation continued on for what felt like an hour. Spencer became closer with her boyfriend's mother, and it was then that she knew they were on good terms. Spencer was extremely thankful that one of Toby's parents actually liked her.

Marion's cell phone began to ring, and the excused herself from the table, answering it at the back of the restaurant. As she waited for Marion to come back, all Spencer could think about was Toby. She wondered if he was okay, or if he had made any progress. She missed his voice, and she hated having to rely only on old voicemails to hear it. The smell of him that lingered on his shirts weren't enough to fill the hole in Spencer's heart.

Marion returned to the table, her face pale. She looked like she had seen a ghost. "What is it? Is everything okay?" Spencer asked, worried for her boyfriend and his mother.

"He's awake." Marion said in a low voice. She didn't want to say it too loud, as she feared the news was too good to be true.

"What? Oh my god!" Spencer said in disbelief, "We need to go see him!" She quickly dug through her purse to pay for the meal, then retrieved her things and ran out of the restaurant with Marion.


When they arrived at the hospital, they entered Toby's room with caution, worried that they would startle him.

The door opened, and Spencer was welcomed by Toby's familiar bright blue eyes. There was a time where Spencer was certain she'd never see those pretty eyes in person again.

His heart raced when he saw her, and it wasn't so obvious, since his heart monitor had been booming throughout the room. "Spence..." He said, his voice hoarse and weak. He hadn't talked in over two months, and he wanted to save his voice for her. But unfortunately, his doctors had several questions for him that couldn't be left unanswered.

"Hi, baby." She said. She mentally scolded herself again for not being with him when he woke up. His doctor had informed him that he was alone when he woke up. She hated that. She was with him 24/7, and the one time she wasn't there, he woke up. She hated that he was all alone in the moment he needed someone. Toby had told her the story of his second deployment, and how he broke his arm and leg in battle and needed surgery. When he woke up, nobody was there to see him. He was only nineteen years old.

Nevertheless, she was just happy that he was alright.

She leaned over to kiss him for the first time in nearly four months. Her heart felt weak when she felt his frail, cold hand held the small of her back.

It was quiet. Absolutely nobody was talking, in fear that they'd say something wrong. Toby's father, Daniel, was the first to arrive. He had barely said a word to Toby. He tried talking to him, but he felt as if his son was being too stubborn to answer him. He'd ask a question, but Toby wouldn't answer. Daniel knew his son could talk, but Toby didn't say a word until a doctor came around.

And it was all because of that Spencer Hastings.

"I love you guys so much," Toby said to his mother and father, "but can I please be alone with Spencer?" His voice was small. It was hard for him to breathe, let alone talk. His eyelids were heavy, and his muscles ached. Daniel gave a not-so-subtle groan and joined his wife out in the hall.

"How are you feeling?" Spencer asked, holding tightly into her boyfriend's limp hand.

"Don't worry about me. How are you?" Toby asked. Spencer sighed. Toby never admitted to being hurt. He had sprained his ankle when they went on a jog once, and he insisted that they kept going, despite him being in tremendous pain. Spencer loathed that Toby was too embarrassed to show his true feelings.

"I've been fine," Spencer said, "are you in any pain?"

"My back kinda hurts," Toby admitted, "and I can't really feel my legs."

Spencer sat down on the hospital bed with Toby, running her fingers through his light-brown hair. "Toby, you were in a plane crash. You were the only survivor. It's okay to cry." She moved her hand to his cheek, caressing it gently. If anything, Spencer needed Toby to know that he was going to be okay, even if he did cry.

Toby put his hand on top of hers, gently rubbing his thumb against the back of her hand. He painfully flashed a sad smile before he erupted into tears.

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