Chapter 19: Home Sweet Home

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The next week and a half in the hospital was harder than Toby imagined. His legs and his back were so sore that he couldn't be taken anywhere without a wheelchair. It was ironic how much he was thankful for that painful feeling. A painful feeling was better than no feeling at all. He was on so many medications that he could barely think straight.

He missed his home, and he especially missed out on finding a house with Spencer. That was something he always dreamed they'd do together, but Spencer believed it would be easier if they found a house now.

And they did. They found the perfect house for him, Spencer, and Isaac, and anyone else who happened to come along.

Leaving the hospital and coming to a strange new place was an unexplainable feeling. He knew it was home now, he just wasn't completely used to it. Spencer had showed him the pictures, and she was probably more excited than him. This was her first real relationship in which things had gotten serious. As a teenager, Spencer imagined her moving in and starting a family with her then-boyfriend, Mark, but she was reminded about how well that turned out.

"Welcome home," Spencer said, helping Toby through the front door of their new, half-empty house. Some of their things were already there, such as their bed and most of the things in Isaac's new room. Spencer helped Toby sit on the couch, adjusting the pillows so that he could be comfortable.

She laid next to him on the couch, cuddling close enough to hear his heart beating. "I love you," Toby said, pressing a single kiss on the top of Spencer's head.

"I love you, too." Spencer said, feeling Toby's hand grab onto hers.

"My parents decided to have a family dinner tomorrow evening. I tried to force my way out of it, but they insisted."

Spencer groaned. She didn't want to see Toby's father again, and Toby felt the same way. Spencer knew that Daniel loathed her, and there was no way she could stop it. After trying every possible excuse, they still had to attend the dinner.

When they arrived at the Cavanaugh house the next evening, they were greeted first by Toby's older brother, Jonathan. "You made it!" He said, slightly surprised, embracing his younger brother as much as he could. It was hard to hug him when he was in a wheelchair, but he quickly learned how to deal with it.

"We didn't really have a choice," Spencer discretely whispered to him as they entered the neatly-furnished house.

Daniel and Marion Cavanaugh had moved to the Hartford area a little over a year ago, in hopes that they'd be closer to their sons. Marion Cavanaugh was a pediatrician at the hospital, a year away from retirement, and Daniel Cavanaugh was a retired accountant.

"You already know my mom loves you, so don't worry about her," Toby assured Spencer as she wheeled him to the dinner table.

Spencer groaned to herself. She would want nothing more right now than to be at their new house, sipping on a perfectly-brewed cup of coffee and reading a novel. She would much rather be there than here.

The family sat at the table, making their plates and not saying a word. Everyone had the same fear: that they'd say something stupid.

"So, Spencer, where did you go to college?" Marion asked, trying to make conversation. Marion loathed awkward silences.

"Well, I went to Hartford College with a major in finance," Spencer started, earning Daniel's attention and trying to remember certain things from her college days, "but I ended up wanting a career in culinary, so I started my own business."

Toby remembered hearing about Spencer's story, how her parents willingly helped her start her bakery, and even how she almost lost her business in a recession. Toby was proud of Spencer for how far she came, and she was proud to call Spencer the love of his life.

"You must be extremely happy that you're moving in with Toby. How are you going to adjust? I mean, he is paralyzed for the time being, and-" Daniel interrupted. They all knew it didn't come from a bad place, but by his tone, it seemed like he was interrogating Spencer.

Toby interrupted back. "Dad, please. I'd love to talk about anything except what happened."  Daniel nodded once to let Toby know he was sorry. Daniel had been trying all evening to be kind to Spencer, because it was something his son wanted.

"Well, now that you mention it, Rebecca and I do have an announcement," Jonathan said quietly, almost nervous to steer the conversation away from Spencer and make it about him and his wife.

"What is it, son?" Daniel asked nonchalantly.

"Well..." Jonathan looked to his wife for reassurance, "we're going to have a baby."

The whole table was silent for a few seconds. Spencer spoke. "That's amazing!" She said, hoping to break the awkward tension.

"Finally! Our first grandchild!" Marion exclaimed. Then the whole table erupted into several conversations, a familiar feeling of love and warmth overpowering them. Spencer finally felt welcomed. Despite Toby's current condition, everyone was happy. Daniel didn't loathe her. Jonathan and Rebecca were expecting their first child. Spencer and Toby had finally found a place to live.

For the time being, everything was right. Everyone was happy, and everything was perfect.

Spencer reached for Toby's hand underneath the table, and Toby caught it before it got the chance to rest on his thigh. He couldn't help but thank his reflexes, as Spencer's surprise would've been ruined. Toby had the best evening planned since he left the hospital. After he was released, he begged and pleaded until Jonathan finally agreed. He hadn't taken it out of his pocket since that day, and it sat there, hidden in its box and waiting to be given to Spencer.

If Spencer had felt the velvet box that had been sitting in his pocket since two days prior, the entire plan would've been ruined.

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