Chapter 5: Father Figure

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"You're so perfect," she whispered to him, fiddling around with his soft, light brown hair.

It had been a few more weeks of bliss. They learned quickly about how to adapt to the other's schedule, and they didn't mind working around it.

Spencer worked on Monday through Friday from nine in the morning until five in the evening. When her son, Isaac, was with her, she needed a sitter to watch him for the two hours that she was still at work. It was much easier for Isaac to be with his father, but she knew she needed this time with her son. And she knew that Mark needed some time alone. If she needed a sitter for just a couple of hours, then so be it.

Toby, on the other hand, worked from five in the morning until three in the afternoon. Some days, he would work an extra two hours. He knew that his job was a hassle, but that was the kind of commitment one needed to have in the Air Force. It was energy draining, by he oddly desired it. There was something about coming home absolutely exhausted that kept him going. That was a kind of admiration he kept to himself. The military wasn't his first choice as a career, but it was something he genuinely enjoyed.

"I still can't believe I found someone as great and amazing as you." She said, the warmth of his body making her more relaxed with every second.

It had almost been a routine for them. They'd wake up in their separate apartments, go to work, then visit the other at their home. Occasionally, they'd get lunch together or visit each other for dinner. They spent this particular evening sharing a large pizza.

Today, Toby was with Spencer in her apartment. They had plans to spend the night at her place, waking up the next morning with perfect Saturday plans.

"Maybe you could move into my place," Toby suggested. It didn't come from a bad place, though. Right after the words came out of his mouth, he instantly regretted what he said. And for some reason, he didn't want to take it back. Maybe he said that for a reason.

Spencer, who was laying next to her now official boyfriend, sat up in shock. She was having trouble believing what he had just said."Are you serious? I can't move. I have a son who lives here, too." She retaliated. Spencer was completely committed to this relationship, but she wasn't ready to move in with a guy. Her son was just about to come back, and she didn't want him, her tiny little four year old, to feel uncomfortable or confused. If she moved in with Toby, then where would Isaac sleep? Toby only had two bedrooms, and the bedroom that wasn't accompanied by his bed was being occupied by several of his uniforms and equipment.

She couldn't have him move into her apartment. She felt like that would be asking too much of him.

Toby put Spencer's words into consideration. If he was living with her, he'd be living with her son, too. He didn't want to make Isaac uncomfortable. He hadn't met him yet, but he knew that immediately moving in wasn't the best kind of greeting. "Alright," he said, "we'll wait a little bit longer. Maybe even a few months. I can't wait to meet Isaac." He held onto her hand as she sunk back down onto the bed, lying in his embrace again.

"My parents really want to meet you," Spencer mentioned. She had only mentioned Toby to her parents once, on the phone. It was a short conversation, but about eighty percent of it consisted of her mother begging to meet Toby and practically planning their wedding.

Spencer's parents regretted not spending enough time with her as a kid, so they were constantly checking in on her, asking how she was doing or when they could see her again. When she told them about Toby, they were ecstatic. They were hoping to make up for lost time with a visit they were planning.

"I thought you said that you don't talk to your parents," Toby said."I said that they weren't a huge part of my life when I was a kid. They are now." Spencer said. She always resented her parents for never spending enough time with her, but she was thankful that they wanted to make up for it now.

"Well, I would love to meet them. When are they coming?" He asked.

"Next Sunday. Same day as Isaac." She said.

Toby suddenly felt his heart race. Not only is he going to meet her son, but now he has to try and impress her parents. "I can't wait," he said. He tried his best not to let the nerves get to him. He kissed the top of her head, hoping to get some well-needed rest.

"Toby, I'm really happy you're okay with all of this. It really means a lot." She said. Spencer was more than thankful that Toby was still here. Every guy before Toby was long gone at this point. The absolute last thing she wanted was for him to run out on her like everyone else. She had already endured that from her past romances, and even some of her friends.

Spencer held onto her boyfriend's hand, pressing her lips against his gently. "I don't want to freak you out now, but I honestly think that they're going to love you. Especially Isaac. I can tell you'll be a great father figure for him."

In all honesty, hearing Spencer say that scared Toby. It wasn't until now that Toby realized that he was going to be a father figure to this little boy. He wasn't ready to be a father. He never really wanted kids, and it seemed like this was all happening so fast.

Spencer fell asleep a few minutes later. Carefully and gently, Toby crawled out the bed and grabbed his things. He buttoned up his shirt, then walking to his car.

He couldn't be a father. Not now.

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