Chapter 27: Another Proposal

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In the months that followed, the couple lived a relatively simple life. Toby and Spencer would go to their respective classes, and Isaac would be at school. Jonathan would call occasionally, checking in on the two and updating them on the progress of his infant daughter's growth. At this point in time, Maria could roll over and was close to being able to sit up on her own.

One October morning, Spencer was called out of her economics class by an administrator. It was 9 AM, and Spencer was pretty thankful she was able to get out of class.

"I hate being the person who has to give you this news," an older woman with short, greying hair and red slacks said, her voice laced with disappointment.

"Why? Is everything alright?" Spencer asked. Her mind immediately went to Isaac. Did he get hurt? Or maybe it was a family member. Maybe her grandmother was severely ill and clinging onto life. Whatever it was, Spencer was frightened.

"Your partner had a severe seizure about an hour ago. He's in the hospital as of now,"


Her mind went blank. Everything she thought of before was gone. Her ability to process and think of a response had vanished. This was something she had worried about ever since he came home from deployment, after the plane crash. The doctors said that he'd struggle to "go back to normal", but she never thought it would be this extreme.

"Is he okay? Can I see him?" Spencer asked, finally responding.

"Yes you can, we've excused you from the rest of your classes and we called a friend of yours to take you- Mark?" Spencer nodded her head, trying to understand and process everything, even though she couldn't.

She waited on a bench outside the building for Mark. He showed up less than ten minutes later. Not a word was said by either one of them on the ride to the hospital. A part of Spencer wanted to talk about what had happened between them, but her mind was focused on more important things.

Spencer ran to the front desk once they arrived, asking where Toby was. They gave her his room number, and she ran there like her life depended on it.

Tears streamed down her face as soon as she saw him laying there. His eyes were puffy and red, and he was staring at the ceiling. His hands were shaking, and he was close to hyperventilating. But then he saw her. Within a second, every bad feeling and every fear he had went away.

She ran to him and hugged him as if she hadn't seen him in years. She kissed every part of his face that she could reach. "I'm so sorry this happened," she mumbled, "I'm so glad you're okay." She hated that he went through this. She hated that he went through this alone. She had to focus on the positive things, because she knew this could've ended a lot worse.

"It's not your fault," he said, trying to raise his hand up to her back. He was still able to move, but it was difficult, and it would take a while for him to go back to normal. "Spencer," Toby mumbled, his voice barely audible.

"Yeah?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Will you marry me?" He asked. He loved her so much, and his life would be meaningless without her in it. He couldn't stand the idea of her not being in his life. She was his everything; his light, his air, his warmth.

"Yes." She said without hesitation. She knew that she wanted to be with him. She didn't need to question their love for each other.

She kissed his lips, overcome with the greatest feeling ever: happiness.

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