Chapter 2: We Meet Again

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"Something's been bugging you," Toby's older brother, Jonathan, mentioned the next morning. Today was the day he would marry his girlfriend of four years, Rebecca, and the nerves were just getting to him now. He would've loved to talk about anything other than the wedding. He hoped that taking his mind off the fact that he would be with one girl for the rest of his life would help him a little.

"I met this girl last night," Toby admitted. He was never close with his older brother, but he needed to talk to someone about Spencer. His father wouldn't approve of a girl who was practically a stranger. In Toby's father's eyes, he would only see Spencer as some 'one-night stand' type. He imagined it in his head: "Why'd you have to fall head over heels with someone you'll never see again?" he'd say, "I didn't fall in love with your mother until after we'd known each other for five years." His father didn't understand that you can't plan love; it just happens.

"That's why you didn't come home last night!" Jonathan was under the impression that Toby lad left early from the bachelor party because he was bored. But this girl could've been the real reason.

"Yeah, we had a lot of fun," Toby said, a big smile finding its way onto his face. He was reminded of the way Spencer smiled as they walked past the pet shop. Or when he caught her after she nearly fell after tripping on the sidewalk. He thought that that moment would've been the perfect time to kiss her. But he decided to wait.

"Oh, I'm sure you did," Jonathan said, suggestively raising his eyebrows.

"Wait, no! It wasn't like that."

"Was she hot?"

"Yeah, she's beautiful."

"So you slept with her, right?"

"No, I respected her way too much."

"So you guys didn't-"

"No, we didn't. We went to Sweet Treats and we talked. Then we walked around a bit. She's amazing."

"What's her name?"

"Spencer. And I can't stop thinking about her."


Spencer got ready for the wedding she had been assigned to cater for that evening. She just wanted to get this night over with, so she could go home, take her makeup and heels of, and go to bed.

"You're beautiful," his words echoed in her mind. The taste of his lips still lingered on hers. She didn't want to forget that moment. She was extremely frustrated with herself that she never found out his last name, so trying to find him on the Internet the previous night was unsuccessful. She couldn't stop thinking about him. What was he doing now? Was he thinking about her?

She shook it off for now. She needed to work. Being all lovey-dovey and smitten wasn't professional.

She arrived at the wedding early to set up, and she didn't even notice the wedding party arrive. She glanced at them once, and never again. She felt like a peasant in a crowd full of royals. "You work for them. Don't stare. It's creepy. Don't look at them. This will all be over in a few hours." She told herself.

"Miss Hastings," the wedding planner called her from the other side of the room. Spencer walked to her as fast as her heels would let her.

"Good evening, Lydia." Spencer said as politely as she could. Lydia Saunders was the woman who hired her for this wedding. Spencer needed to be the biggest kiss-up she could be right now. If she made the slightest wrong move, her business would be over.

"Your cake and cupcakes just arrived, and I need you to go to the dining hall and arrange them on the table. Neatly, please. And to the bride's liking." Lydia ordered. Spencer made a mental note of everything and made her way to the dining hall.

When she got there, she was surprised to find out that she wasn't the only one there. There was a man in the far corner.

It was him.

He saw her talking to the wedding planner. His heart nearly exploded, and he excused himself from the wedding party just to follow her to the dining hall.

They made eye contact, making sure that what they saw was real. This isn't a dream. This is fate.

She was catering for his brother's wedding. They couldn't stop thinking about each other, and they waited for the moment, if it ever came, of them meeting again.

"Oh my god," he said to himself. He was practically speechless. He never thought he would see her again.

They both took a few steps closer to each other before running into each other's arms.

"Thank god I found you," she said. Their lips connected, and everything felt right. At that moment, they didn't care if anyone walked in on them. She didn't care if Lydia walked in on her kissing a groomsman and fired her. He didn't care if his brother walked in on him kissing the caterer.

Nor did they care what anyone thought when they danced together at the reception. Spencer and Toby knew that what they had was special, and things were going to stay that way, regardless of what anyone else thought. He did notice his brother looking at him a strange way as he danced with Spencer, but once he pointed at her, mouthing "This is the girl!" to him, Jonathan understood.

Toby glanced at his father, and saw that he was giving him a disapproving look. He looked disappointed. He knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Of all the women here, he chooses the caterer," he whispered to his wife.

"Leave him alone, Daniel. Let Toby be in love for once. You said Jon was making a mistake falling in love with a Spanish teacher, but look at how happy he is. There was no law saying that our boys could only fall in love with certain girls. Let them love who they want to love, Daniel." Marion was always frustrated with her husband's standards. Daniel expected everything to be perfect. What he was neglecting was that everything was perfect, he just couldn't see it.

In Toby's eyes, things were perfect. He found her. She found him. And they had no plans on letting go.

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