Chapter 16: Family Matters

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It had been three weeks of no progress. Toby hadn't opened his eyes or moved at all. The doctors warned Spencer that if this were to continued on for at most another three weeks, they would have to pull the plug. The very thought of them doing that to him sent chills down her spine. She couldn't lose him.

Spencer was in her bed, clad in one of his shirts, and about to go to bed. She was reading a novel, almost finishing a chapter, when she heard a familiar noise. It was her phone ringing, and she immediately answered, hoping it would be the hospital with some news.

She didn't recognize the number, nor did she recognize the voice.

"Is this Spencer? This is Marion Cavanaugh, Toby's mother." The woman on the other line said. Spencer never officially met Toby's mother before; she had heard stories, but that was it. If this was any other day, she would've been excited to hear from her. But under the circumstances, she was more than worried. She knew that the hospital would contact his immediate family first if anything happened.

"Hello," she said, "is everything with Toby okay?" She asked. She braced herself for the worst. Several scenarios popped into her head and crowded her train of thought so much that she barely remembered to listen for the older woman's answer.

"Still nothing," Marion sighed, "but I was wondering if you'd want to have lunch tomorrow afternoon? I understand if you're busy, but I know Toby would've wanted us to meet eventually. He would talk so much about you." She said. Spencer envisioned her boyfriend's mother. She had only seen one picture, and she immediately saw the resemblance. They had the same hair color and blue eyes, but other than that, they looked different. Toby resembled his father more than anyone, despite their complicated relationship.

Spencer mentally checked her schedule. She had tomorrow off, so she was free all day. "I would love to." She said. It was like Spencer could hear Marion's smile on the other line. They set a time, then a place to meet, right before Spencer hung up the phone.

Spencer laid in bed, thinking about him. She wanted him to wake up so badly. She couldn't stand the idea of him not being with him anymore. How could she continue on without him holding her every night? How could she continue on without hearing him tell her how much he loved her, and her not being able to say it back? It pained Spencer to think of a world without him. She knew that when he was around, the world was a perfect place. Spencer didn't believe in soul mates until she met Toby Cavanaugh.

Unfortunately, Spencer allowed herself to be reminded of the stupid mistake she had made with James. Toby didn't have to know about that, did he? Spencer knew she would never to that again, and it would only hurt Toby more. She decided to stay quiet. What he doesn't know won't kill him.

There was a loud knock at the front door, causing Spencer to slightly jump. Who could be here at such a late hour?

When she opened the door, the was greeted by a tall man with light brown hair and bright blue eyes. For a second, she had believed Toby had woken up from his coma and somehow made his way to her. She felt her heart rate increase slightly.

But it wasn't Toby. It was Jonathan, his older brother. At the sight of her boyfriend's older brother at her door, Spencer had several questions. What was Jonathan, a thirty-year-old married man, doing at Spencer's apartment? Where is his wife, Rebecca? "What are you doing here?" Spencer asked, worried for her boyfriend's older brother. They weren't close, and Spencer had rarely talked to Jonathan. She was reminded of how upset Toby was when he told her that he wasn't the best man in his brother's wedding. There were several other stories he had told her, but she was well aware of their relationship by now.

"Um, I was in the area, and I just wanted to stop by and say hello." He said, with an obvious fake smile on his face.

"Jonathan, what's wrong?" Spencer asked in a lower voice, flashing an apologetic look. Jonathan's bottom lip began to quiver, and before he knew it, he had started to cry. He couldn't hold in his feelings. Spencer watched as Jonathan practically broke down in front of her and began to sob.

"I miss him, Spencer." He said in between sobs and burying his face onto Spencer's shoulder. "It's like every day without him is a battle. I don't want to see him go." He admitted. Spencer brought Jonathan into her apartment and let him cry on her shoulder. She was well aware that him and Toby weren't close, being seven years apart. Maybe Jonathan felt bad for not being close with his brother, and he feels like he's never going to get a chance to make things right. They both knew that Toby was barely clinging onto life.

"Hey, everything's going to be okay. Does Rebecca know about this?" She asked, hoping that Jonathan wasn't keeping secrets from his wife. Which was ironic, since Spencer had decided to keep an even bigger secret from Toby, whom was practically on his death bed.

"Yeah," he answered, "but she's out of town with the school's Debate team. She won't be back until Sunday." Jonathan explained, wiping away a few tears from his puffy, red eyes.

It occurred to Spencer in that moment that she wasn't the only one who was hurting.  She immediately felt selfish for not putting his family into consideration. Toby had a family, too. His mom was in denial, his brother was a mess, and his father refused to talk about what had happened.

She needed to help this family out first, because they loved him much more than she would ever be able to.

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