Chapter 24: The Calm Before The Storm

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Isaac laid on his mother's chest, crying in pain and struggling to get some sleep. It had been nearly a week since the accident, and nothing had changed. Isaac was still in a large amount of pain, and Spencer was still stressed.

"It's okay, Isaac. You're going to be okay." Spencer cooed. She couldn't help but cry, too. This was her fault. She was driving when they crashed. She is the reason her son almost died. Spencer felt as if she needed the worst kind of punishment.

"Mommy, my head hurts," Isaac whined. Spencer carefully laid him down on his bed. This was nothing new. His medication had worn off.

"I'll be right back, honey." Spencer told her son, kissing the top of his head once. Isaac was due for the medicine the doctor had prescribed him to relieve his pain. Since Isaac was only five, it was rather difficult for him to swallow pills. But once he did, the pain was almost gone, temporarily.

Spencer rushed down the stairs, not wanting her son to spend another second alone.

"Hey, what's wrong? What do you need?" Toby asked, stopping Spencer and holding her firmly by her arms. He hated seeing Spencer this stressed, especially since she hadn't had any time to herself. They had barely talked in the last six days. The last time they did anything together was when they kissed, and since then, it was nothing but taking care of Isaac.

"Isaac needs his meds," Spencer said, trying to push Toby out of her way.

"Spence, calm down. I'll give them to him. You're still pretty bruised. I don't want you hurting yourself even more than you already have." He said, concerned. Spencer also never got to heal herself. She had been too busy taking care of Isaac that her pain was put on hold until he was better.

"Toby, you don't have to be here. Go home and get some alone time."

"I am home, Spencer. I'm not going anywhere. I promised you that I would be here for both you and Isaac. I'm keeping that promise because I love you both." He stopped her from saying anything else by kissing her. It was the closest thing they both had to magic. But alas, their moment was cut short when Spencer heard her son crying from upstairs.

"I love you, too," Spencer said, briefly rubbing their noses together. Spencer ran to the kitchen counter to retrieve one of her son's pills, then ran back upstairs to her son.

Moments later, when Isaac was asleep, Toby joined his girlfriend on the large bed, laying his head on her chest. "I've decided to go back to college," Toby informed Spencer, looking up and seeing her brown orbs gazing back at him.

"That's great," Spencer said with a genuine smile, "what are you studying?"

"Teaching." Toby stated, as if he couldn't believe it himself. He let out a single nervous laugh, then continued. "I didn't think I would love it this much, but I do. I'm working on teaching high school math,"

Spencer ran her hand through her boyfriend's hair, then proceeded to kiss his cheek. "I'm proud of you," she stated lovingly. She really was. Words couldn't describe how happy she was for him. At least one of them was going somewhere.

Isaac began to stir in Spencer's arms, letting out small winces. When Spencer tried to make him better, he only got worse.

"Let me take him," Toby said, allowing Spencer to hand her sleeping son over to him. Within seconds, Isaac was no longer tossing and turning. He was right back where he was, comfortably sleeping as if there was nothing wrong with him or the world.

Spencer smiled at the sight of her boyfriend handling her son so well. A warming feeling overpowered Spencer's heart, and she began to feel like there was nothing more perfect than her new family.


Spencer hung up the phone, and tears began to flow out of her eyes. What could she do now? Everything in her life was finally perfect, until God, or whoever was in control of her fate, decided to change that.

The front door to their new house opened, and the man she fell in love with appeared in the doorway. Quickly, she wiped away her tears and hoped it wasn't too noticeable that she had just been crying. She didn't want to tell him just yet.

"Hey, Spencer. You won't believe what happened in class today-" Toby started to say until he noticed the red, puffy circles that were under his girlfriend's eyes, "Baby, what's wrong?" He couldn't stand to see her like this. There was nothing worse, not even death, than seeing Spencer cry.

Spencer couldn't talk. She couldn't get any words out. It was as if she had forgotten how to speak altogether.

"Spence, baby, talk to me, please." Toby begged, eager to know what had happened to her.

Tears began to stream down Spencer's cheeks once again. "My company went out of business," she said sobbing. Toby sighed. Although it was terrible, it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. With Spencer's reaction, one would've assumed someone had just died.

"Hey, baby, it's okay." Toby said bringing her in for a hug. He knew how much the catering business meant to Spencer. She had basically started it herself. She had little to no help, and invested several thousands of dollars into it. Not to mention that her bakery was where they had their first date. To see all of it be taken away within a few seconds was actually heartbreaking.

"What am I going to do? I don't have a degree. I don't have anything except a few credits in finance." Spencer exclaimed, frustrated with her past decision of dropping out of college to start her own business.

"Hey, you know what? We're going to get through this together. You're going to go back to school, and you're going to find a new job that you'll love, alright?" Toby asked, looking into Spencer's eyes.

Spencer nodded, then kissed Toby's lips. "I love you," she said, continuing to quietly sob.

"I love you, too." Toby said back, kissing the top of Spencer's head as she continued to cry on his shoulder.

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