Chapter 12: Saying Goodbye

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The two weeks passed rather abruptly. Before she knew it, Spencer was at the airport, saying goodbye to Toby. He was clad in his Air Force uniform, and she couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked. She also couldn't help but notice that this was the first time she saw him in his uniform.

She leaned in for possibly the millionth kiss that day. "Please be safe." She said. She couldn't say it enough. She needed him to stay safe. She couldn't imagine her life without him.

Toby, quietly suffering, pushed a lock of hair behind his love's ear. He had done this so many times alone. The last time he was ever accompanied while leaving for deployment was five years ago, when his parents came with him to the airport when he deployed the first time, at the age of eighteen. He was glad to finally have someone again. Someone to say goodbye to. It was ironic how badly he needed that. "I promise, I will." He said, leaning over and kissing her forehead. He secretly hoped that his boss would show up and say, "You can stay here. You don't have to go.", or possibly get him in trouble for hugging and kissing his girlfriend in uniform, which was something no one was allowed to do. But he knew that was too unrealistic.

Spencer had made the decision to keep Isaac with Mark. She knew Isaac would ask lots of questions, but for now, she needed alone time. And she knew that Isaac was still too young to understand all of this. It was for the best that he was with his father.

"Flight 971 to London is now boarding." A woman's voice boomed on the intercom. Toby had informed Spencer that there was a layover in London, and he wouldn't actually be in Syria for another two days.

"Okay," Spencer said, feeling tears form in her eyes, "goodbye, Toby. I love you." She said, hugging her boyfriend as quickly as she could. There was still the smallest bit of hope inside of her that this was all a dream. That he wasn't actually leaving, and that she'd wake up in her bed, or his, wrapped in his muscular arms.

"I love you, too." Toby said, trying to keep the tears from falling down his cheeks. He couldn't cry. He needed to stay strong. With the uniform on, he was a completely different person. He was practically forbidden to have emotions. He knew that people on his team were watching, so he kept it together, for his own dignity.

Spencer watched as Toby walked towards the gate. She didn't want to think about it, but she couldn't help but wonder if this was the last time she would ever see him.

She stopped herself from going there. He's smart. He's clever. He's going to survive.

She watched until he was no longer visible, and when he was gone, she made her way back to her car. She scoured the glove compartment and the center console for a tissue, or maybe even an old napkin, but there was none to be found. Defeated, she put her head in her hands and cried. It was like a gigantic release. She had been holding in those tears all day. Ever since she woke up this morning, she had been holding in her tears. She knew it wasn't healthy to do that, but she knew that if Toby saw her crying, he'd do anything and everything in his power to stay with her.She didn't care if people could see her. She didn't care if her makeup was running. All she cared about was him, and he was going to be gone for eight months. Two hundred and forty-three days. Five thousand eight hundred and thirty-two hours. Every minute that passed was a minute she could've been spending with him. It could've been precious minutes she could've spent laughing at his jokes, or passionately kissing him. But alas, she couldn't.

And she wasn't sure if she would ever be able to again.

Spencer's phone buzzed, and she had received a text from Toby.

"About to take off. I love you so much."

She debated weather or not to reply. As she watched a plane take off above her, she decided not to respond.

Spencer began to drive, and she made her way to the first place that came to her mind.

Mark's house.

She knocked three times on the dark brown colored door, hoping that Mark wasn't out with Isaac. The door opened, revealing her dark haired, muscular ex-boyfriend.

"Hey," she said, "can I come in?"

Mark invited her in, and her son, running from the kitchen, jumped into his mother's arms. He was happy seeing his mom, despite the circumstances he was unaware of. Isaac didn't know better, and was simply happy about seeing his mother.

"What's wrong?" Mark asked, guiding her to the living room. Isaac jumped out of his mother's arms and went back to the kitchen to finish his lunch.

"Toby left today," Spencer said, sitting down on the couch. Mark sat close to her, letting his ex-girlfriend and mother of his child rest her head on his shoulder. She informed him of Toby's deployment a week ago. Mark had promised her to help her through it, and Spencer needed his help the most at the moment. He knew little to nothing about the military, especially the Air Force, but he knew enough to understand that Toby was voluntarily putting himself in a lot of danger. Mark thought that he was extremely brave for doing so.

"Hey, you'll be okay. If you need anything, me and Gabriel will be right here." Mark assured her. It pained him to see Spencer like this. She was so broken. It was like a part of her left when Toby did. The part of her that really made her Spencer Hastings. He hated that he couldn't do anything to stop her pain. He knew promising to help her wasn't enough. Mark knew that the only person that could stop Spencer's pain was Toby Cavanaugh.

Spencer quietly sat on Mark's couch, wishing that time would speed up, so she wouldn't have to endure these next eight months.

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