Chapter 35: I Guess This Is Goodbye

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Spencer couldn't get Toby off her mind since their moment. He kissed her, and they both knew it was more than just a friendly kiss.

She finally admitted to herself that she had unrequited feelings for him, and she wanted him back now more than ever.

She had just dropped Isaac off at school, so she decided to call Toby. To her surprise, he answered, but he didn't sound pleased.

"Spencer? Is everything okay?" Toby asked, his voice low. Shannon was in the other room, and he didn't want her to know he was talking to his ex-girlfriend.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to come over,"

"Spencer. I can't. You know that," Toby said. As much as he wanted to, he knew it wasn't right.

"Toby, I know you're confused-"

"I'm not," he denied, "I just don't want to make this seem like something it's not,"

"We're two friends spending time together. Nothing more than that. I'll even let you make your own coffee," Spencer promised.

Toby laughed to himself. "Alright. I'll be there soon,"


The two talked and laughed as if they had been friends their entire lives. It seemed as though they had both forgotten about their unexpected kiss, but neither of them minded.

"When I was little, I used to beg my dad every time we went out for breakfast if I could stir the cream and sugar into his coffee. I loved watching the coffee get lighter," Spencer said, watching Toby stir some milk into his coffee. It was a tiny detail about herself she had just remembered.

"Maria likes to do that with Jonathan. She's also starting to help cook. It's pretty adorable," Toby smiled, thinking of his three-year-old niece.

"How are Jonathan and Rebecca?" Spencer asked, hoping that she didn't cater their wedding for nothing.

"They're good. Their having another baby in December. Another girl,"

"That's great," Spencer said, "you know, it really sucks that you're leaving. It feels like we're just starting to get to know each other again."

"I know. Maybe I can visit," Toby suggested, earning a shrug from Spencer.

"When are you leaving?" Spencer asked.

"Early Wednesday morning." Toby said. He lowered his head, hoping not to see Spencer's reaction. Although they weren't together, it still pained him to see her upset.

"Can you just promise me one thing?"


"Be a good boyfriend. Don't screw up like we both did. Shannon doesn't deserve that."

Toby nodded. "I know. I promise."

The two continued to talk until Toby had to leave. "Well, I guess this is goodbye," Toby said.

"I guess so," Spencer said, her voice low. She didn't want it to be real. All she wanted right now was to wake up, with those three years without him never happening.

She walked him to the front door, gave him one last hug, and watched him get into his car and drive away. Spencer felt her heart aching at the thought of never seeing him again.

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