Chapter 25: An Old Flame

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As Spencer sat quietly reading one of her favorite books, the doorbell rang. To prevent her still-injured son from waking up, she quickly walked to the door before whoever was ringing could do it again. The last thing she needed was for her son to wake up in pain again. She swung the door open, and relaxed a bit when she saw the comforting eyes of her high school sweetheart, and Isaac's father, Mark.

"Hey, you," Spencer said, greeting her ex-boyfriend with a hug, "what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to check on you and Isaac to see if you were okay." Mark stated simply, flashing that signature smile that Spencer fell in love with. Occasionally, Spencer wondered to herself if she would still be with Mark if he hadn't come out as gay.

"Well, we're fine. I mean, it's been two weeks,"

"Where's Toby?" Mark asked, looking around.

"He's upstairs doing some work," Spencer stated. She noticed how Mark's expression slightly changed. "Hey, is everything alright?" Mark unconvincingly nodded his head. Spencer furrowed her eyebrows, "Mark, I know when you're lying to me."

Mark let out a quick sigh, then proceeded. "Gabe and I are getting divorced,"

Spencer let out a slight gasp. "Oh my god, why?" She couldn't think of a single reason why Mark would end his relationship with Gabriel. They seemed so happy together, what could have triggered this?

"Spencer, I've been thinking... a lot. Lately I've been questioning everything and I've realized some things over the past week. I realized that Gabriel and I weren't meant to be. For a while now, I've only had my mind on one person." Mark explained.

"Who?" Spencer asked, practically speechless.


Ironically, that was an answer Spencer had dreaded. Mark couldn't still have feelings for her, not when Toby was still in the picture. Spencer didn't want to believe her ears. Maybe, she hoped, she heard him wrong, or she misunderstood. "What do you mean?" She asked, dumbfounded.

"Maybe I'm bi," Mark said, "I still love you, Spencer. Just imagine how perfect we'd be, together again."

A small, selfish part of Spencer did want that perfect family. But Spencer knew in her heart that she wanted to be with Toby. "Mark, I'm so glad you've come to this realization and you're finally comfortable, but I'm with Toby. I love him. You'll always have a special place in my heart, but I don't see us being any more than what we are now."

Mark inhaled sharply, attempting to come to terms with this statement. In all honesty, it felt exactly like getting punched in the gut, or slapped in the face. He nodded his head. He knew he couldn't fight for her, because she wouldn't be happy with him. It was the hard truth, and Mark just had to deal with it.

After all, he would want her to have that happy ending, even if he didn't have his.

"Alright," he said finally, after an awkward minute of silence.

Spencer came close to turning around and re-entering her house when Mark stopped her. "Wait, Spencer," he said, grabbing her hand.

"Yeah?" She asked, wondering what Mark could want now.

"Can I kiss you? For old time's sake?"

"Toby's right upstairs-"

"I'm not asking to be a creep... I just want to remember what it's like to kiss you. Then I'll back off, I promise."

Spencer thought it over. The last time they were ever romantic was five years ago, when Isaac was conceived. In a way, she needed this just as much as he did.

Spencer leaned in, then gently placed her lips on his. Suddenly, it was as if Spencer had traveled back in time, and she was seventeen again. Every single memory from her past, good and bad, was brought back when their lips collided.

She remembered the moment that she knew for sure that she was in love with him. She was reminded of the pain she felt when she found out that she was pregnant with his child. The torment of being a neglected child. The moment she found salvation and freedom in his embrace.

It was all too much to bear.

"I'll see you later, Spence." Mark said, ready to turn around and head back to his car.

"See you later,"

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