Chapter 36: Never Say Goodbye

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"Okay, here's the last box," Shannon said, handing the box over to Toby before he hauled it into the nearly-full moving truck.

Toby flashed a small, unconvincing smile. Shannon furrowed her eyebrows. "What's wrong?" She asked. She knew Toby, and she could tell when something was bugging him.

Toby debated whether or not to tell Shannon what was on his mind. Spencer's words were still racing through his mind. He hated the idea of being three thousand miles away from Spencer, but he also hated the idea of lying to Shannon. "There's something I need to tell you, but I know you'll be mad,"

Shannon grabbed his hands. "Whatever it is, you know I'm here. You can tell me,"

"Seeing Spencer again just brought back a lot of feelings. She was the first girl I really fell in love with, and-"

Shannon let go of his hands. "What did you do?" She asked, close to upset.

"I kissed her," Toby finally admitted as he looked at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact.

Shannon felt a rage in her core, then something that felt very close to a slap in the face. She didn't want him to see the anger in her face, so she avoided eye contact as well. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I made a huge mistake when Spencer and I were dating. I was with someone else, and she was heartbroken. I ruined our relationship, and you don't deserve to be lied to."

"Well, you just ruined our relationship, too."


Spencer hated to admit it, but she really did love her kiss with Toby. If he wasn't with Shannon, maybe she would ask him out again. She had learned to forgive him for what he did when they were dating, because she had done exactly the same.

"Mommy, I told you I wanted that fish to be red," Isaac said, handing his mother a bright red crayon. Spence looked down at the coloring page her son had given her, realizing that she had colored half of the page with a bright blue crayon.

Spencer always agreed to color and play with her son, as she felt it was therapeutic for the both of them. Coloring made both of them less stressed, and that was extremely beneficial for Isaac's health. Since Isaac had his surgery, Spencer's biggest worry was that he'd have an aneurysm.

He was still so young, and she hated that she had to always worry about something that, at the end of the day, was her fault.

"Sorry, Isaac," Spencer said, putting down her blue crayon and grabbing the one her son had given her. She leaned over to kiss the top of his head, earning a smile from Isaac.

There was a knock at the door, and Spencer got up from the table to answer. To her surprise, Toby was on the other side.

"Toby? What are you doing here? Your flight-"

"I told Shannon everything. We had a fight, and she broke up with me." Toby admitted. To his own surprise, he wasn't as distraught by the end of his relationship as he thought he would be.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry-"

"I love you," Toby said, "I never stopped,"

Before Spencer could say anything, Toby pulled her closer and kissed her. Everything about it felt right, and she kissed him back with the same amount of passion.

He pulled away, looking into her mocha-colored eyes. When she smiled and kissed him back, he felt relieved. They were back together, and for the first time in years, they were happy.

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