Meeting The Arrow

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Bleep. Bleep. My irritating alarm clock began to blare. My eyes struggled to open to find the clock. Once my eyes slowly had opened,I pressed the snooze button and went back to sleep. Even superheroes deserve a day off. Also it's my day off from work so I really cannot be bothered to remove myself from my bed. My eyes shut,and I began to fall back to sleep. I wish my great slumber will not be taken away.

One hour later

Bleep,bleep. I heard again but this time it wasn't from my clock. I reached over to my bedside table and reached for my phone. A man who rings me quite oftens name was on the screen. Cisco Ramon. Another meta human to stop probably. Why can't the meta human attacks coordinate with the days I'm at work. I contemplated even pressing answer, but that could possibly risk people's lives so I'd rather just answer. I wiped the hair out of my face and sat upright to answer the call.

"What?" I asked,aggressively. No one should ever deprive me of my beauty sleep.

"You missed a bank robbery this morning! Get your lazy ass to Star Labs!" Cisco moaned over the phone. Now I'm just going to be lectured on why I should get up on time. I groaned and hung up the phone. Guess I gotta get ready. I sped changed into a white tank top paired with a camo jacket,paired with some white ripped jeans and my signature black trainers. I quickly brushed through my hair,leaving them in there natural beach wavy look. I'll get rebuked,but I'll at least get rebuked looking fabulous. I flicked my hair over my shoulder and ran to Star Labs.

"Why look who chose to grace us with her present" I bowed,sarcastically at Ciscos remark.

"I'm tired,can't be bothered with lecture to be honest" Cisco rolled his eye and then a gush of wind enter red the room. Allen.

"Why weren't you at the bank?" Barry asked,licking his lips and folding his arms.

"Cause. I'd rather sleep" I moaned,copying Barry to ridicule him." So what is this new meta?"

"We don't know yet. We don't even have a name. All we know is he made everyone at the bank want to viciously murder each other,and while they were all attempting murder he got away with 1/2 a million dollars" Cisco explained. Well that's a lot a cash.

"I wonder how he does it" I said,thinking aloud.

"Anger,hate,aggression" Dr Wells stated rolling out of the medical room.

"A Jedi craves not these things" Cisco said as yoda. Oh my. What we gonna do with Cisco. Barry stared down at him,looking utterly unamused." No one feeling the quote?" I shook my head,as Barry walked away.

"Everyone in the bank went total savage for,like,five minutes. And then they were fine again." Barry told Dr Wells.

"Anger can be a powerful emotion. If this meta human can engender irrational feeling of anger in his victims,he can do a lot of damage." Wells said. Well of course he would know so much about anger. While we were building the particle accelerator,he was angry throughout the whole process.

"Detective West helped get a copy of the cat scans the hospital did on everyone at the bank. Take a look" Caitlin plugged in a USB drive into the computer,and displayed the cat scan to all of us.

"Well,look at this, the emotion centres of the brains are still showing signs of being overwhelmed." Wells said,looking intrigued by the scan.

"Particularly the area that controls executive function. That's the park of the brain that stops people from doing whatever random and potentially destructive thing that pops into their head." Caitlin added,also explaining functions to Barry as he's the only one who doesn't understand.

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