Confused Caitlin

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At this point in time,Barry,Joe and I have invited Cisco and Caitlin for 'karaoke' night. Really we are about to drop a massive bombshell on them. After a good hour of Barry and I arguing,we came to the conclusion that Cisco and Caitlin need to know.

Barry thought that we could a hundred percent trust Cisco and Cait,me on the other hand,had trouble believing it. I have major trust issues,and finding out my mentor was the person who killed my parents really made me rethink my friendships.

But in the end,like Barry always does,he made me think straight. They're Cisco and Caitlin,my best friends. The people who stood by me when I first came to Star Labs. The ones that didn't judge me for my nerdy obsessions(mainly cause they were nerds too). They always were able to bring a smile to my face. And they're the people I trust the most. People that I know now,thanks to Barry,will never betray me. Hopefully...

"All right,all right,who's ready for some karaoke" Cisco said,singing as he entered the lab.

Barry was leaving against his work desk,with me next to him,and Joe stood by the window,Barry's information board on his mothers and my parents death visible to Cait and Cisco.

"We are not going to karaoke,are we?" From there the atmosphere was eerie.

"No" Barry muttered. "This Everything we know about my mothers and Sams parents murder and the Reverse Flash" Barry walked over to the board. "I've been gathering information on him for a long time."

"And so have I" I glanced at my friends with sad expression on my face.

"And this is everything we know about Dr Wells." Barry spoke,pulling down the information about Harrison.

"I don't understand" Caitlin said,distraught. "What do Dr Wells and the Reverse Flash have to do with each other?"

"Um.." Barry looked at Joe,hoping for an all clear. "They're the same person" Caitlin looked to me as if this was some joke.

"He's telling the truth" I looked down at my hands,not being able to look her in the eyes.

"That's impossible." Caitlin ruled out. If only it was that easy.

"Look,Caitlin. It took me a long time to believe it too,even longer for Sam, but it's him." Barry nodded,blatantly.

"Dr Wells is a Speedster? He's paralysed." Caitlin emphasised. Ah denial.

"Is he,though?" Joe blurted out.

"He could easily be faking" I shrugged,earning a disapproving look for Cait. Cisco on the other hand was awfully quite,something wasn't right.

"And why would he kill Barry's mother,or Sam's parents?" Caitlin stated. "It doesn't make any sense" Caitlin
paused to look at us all. "Cisco,say something"

"I've been having these dreams. Mostly at night,but sometimes during the day. But they don't really feel like dreams. They..they feel real." Cisco started,looking confused.

"What happens in the dream?" Barry asked,folding his arms. I stood up,and joined him next to Cisco.

"Dr Wells is the Reverse Flash. And...he kills me."

Oh my god. Cisco must have died in the originals timeline,and Barry and I messing with it,by accident,must have saved Cisco. This is on another level of crazy even for us.

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