Time To Phone A Friend

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So,after my very pleasant conversation with Barry,we went into what was stuck in my mind.

"How could Wells describe running at super speed,as well as he did?" I asked Barry,as we sat on my couch in my apartment.

"I don't know,but I have a theory. He talked about running,as if he had done it before." Barry looked at me,waiting for me to put together the pieces. And once I did,I widened my eyes.

"That's not possible." I mumbled,for once I was speechless. "He can't be Barry"

"Well,think about it. Who taught us how to increase our speed? Wells. Who told us we could cause 'ruptures in the timeline' if we changed the timeline? Wells. Who helped us phase? Wells."

"Wells is the reverse flash." Everything went silent. I thought through everything that built up to this moment. The realisation that the man I've known for two years,was the person who killed my parents fifteen years ago. I worked with this man,I helped him build the particle accelerator,I almost died trying to save him and the rest of the Star Labs team when the accelerator blew up. Ha. For all I know,he blew it up on purpose to give us our powers. You know. Because he's a Speedster,time travelling,pyromaniac.

"Now,we have to tell someone we can trust about this." Barry spoke,solemnly.

"Joe? He's the only one who will believe us. Cait and Cisco won't believe us till we have proof."

"Joe and Eddie." Barry said. "Eddie needs to know. He needs to stop Iris from looking into Mason Bridges disappearance. Wells took Mason,so he could easily take Iris."

"The only problem is,Iris is going to get suspicious when Eddie starts bugging her to stop. We can't let her find out who we are,or Joe is going to lose his mind."

"Well, Joe has already called Eddie to CCPD. We got to suit up without anyone finding out and tell Eddie who we are"

He held out his hand,waiting for me to take it so we could get to the police station,and I did it. What else could go wrong? Anyway,I've always said Iris should know,so if Eddie knows Iris will know soon.

We rushed into our suits,and stood in Barry's lab(after making a load of papers fly away),in front of Eddie. He looked shook,his eyes were stuck on us. Maybe because Barry had attacked him a few months ago.

"Detective" Barry said,without doing the normal distorted voice.

"Eddie" I followed on,not changing my voice either. No point when we are about to take off our masks. What makes this more ominous is the fact It's night.

Barry gestured to me to take off my mask,and I did.

Eddie stood up,staring at the two of us.

"Eddie,we need your help." Joe said,as Eddie kept his eyes on us. It's a pretty big reveal to him,mainly because Barry would never expect us two nerds beings superheroes.

Eddie is now in Joes house,trying to convince Iris that mason went on a hike into the Amazon,and won't be coming back. Once we knew the conversation was over,Barry,Joe and I walked in.

"Hey,baby,everything good?" Joe spoke,fatherly.

"Yeah,Yeah. Of course. Um,dinner will be ready in a jiff,Okay?" Iris said,awkwardly. I don't think she believes Bridge moved to Brazil,but if that stops her for a while,that's all we need.

We all moved in to the living room,as Iris went to the kitchen.

"She buy it?" Joe questioned Eddie.

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