Closet Time

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"Get me out of here the right way." Eddie told Barry,as both men sped back into the room. "Sam,make sure of it"

"Don't worry,I'll keep him out of trouble" I reassured,and Barry and I left the room.


Right now,I'm at the West household,with the pal Barry,who just came to change,and insisted on me coming with him so I could get something to eat and drink.

I'm on the verge of passing out,so I appreciate my partners concern.

"Help yourself to anything in the fridge. Hell,have the entire fridge. I need you in perfect health if we are going to figure out how to help Eddie" Barry placed his hand on my shoulder,sincerely.

"Don't worry Allen. I'll eat as much as my stomach desires" What? It's free food.

He chuckled,and picked up a call from a distressed Iris. I let him talk to her on his own,and rushed over to the kitchen.

I grabbed a bag of Cheetos and licked my lips. Damn I was hungry.

I opened the packet,and walked slowly back to living room,when there was a knock at the door.

Barry cut off the phone,and opened the door to reveal Eddie?

"Eddie? What in the world? How did you get out?" Barry blurted out.

"How are you here?" I said,with Cheetos stuffed in my mouth.

We both looked utterly dumbfounded.

"Captain Singh called in a favour. Got a judge to sign my release." Eddie sounded joyful,which he should.

"I was just on the phone with Iris. Why haven't you called her? Hold on." Barry turned around and grabbed his phone and began typing.

Eddie then kicked Barry and knocked him out.

Knowing this couldn't be Eddie,I rushed for the door,knowing if this was Hannibal I couldn't be touched.

Unfortunately,I can't let Hannibal know who I am so I had to run at average human speed,and was knocked on the head with a vase.

Then my eyes couldn't stop themselves from shutting,and the world went black.



I was awoken by the piercing pain of Caitlin Snows hand. Then I realised where I was. I was on Barry's bedroom floor,in his closet,with my hands and feet tied. Bates. Barry and Caitlin looked down at me,looking relieved I woke up.

Ain't nobody killing Bolt that easily.

Caitlin then ripped of the piece of tape covering my mouth,and I shouted in pain.

"Thank god your Okay." Barry pulled me into a hug. It was warm,and just what I needed after being knocked unconscious.

"You can hug me once you've untied me" I urged them both,and they did.

I finally stood up,and rubbed my sore head.

"Why couldn't he have hit you with a vase?" I mumbled,trying to keep my composure.

"You'll live Sam. Now,we've got to find Bates" Caitlin reminded.

Great,now Bates is free,with both my DNA pattern and Barry's.

And with that thought,I rushed off to Star Labs.

Now Team Flash(minus Cisco Who was still in Starling on his adventure into the past with Joe) has gathered to talk about the annoying Hannibal Bates.
"So this Hannibal Bates has turned into quite the meta human. Take a look." Wells put up the DNA sample of Bates cells. "His cells have the ability to transmogrify at quite the rate." They we're going so quickly,it was unbelievable. I've never seen anything like it,but none of these metas are anything I've ever seen before.

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