Cold Partnership

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Update on the tech with Cisco. I'd finished up my parts of the circuit before I had left with Barry so I left Cisco with all the fiddly bits that my head wouldn't allow me to deal with.

Now back to the present...

I waltzed into the bar with Barry beside me on the lookout for our favourite Captain of the Cold.

Leonard Snart.

Barry had an idea that Leonard could be of some use in moving the metas to Lian Yu. Me on the other hand, I'm quite sceptical. Snart isn't known to be loyal.

"Well,well,Well. If it isn't the scarlet speedsters." Leonard smirked,as he turned around on his bar stool.

"We need to talk." Barry said,not making eye contact.

"It's pretty urgent" I folded my arms at the thief.

"You want anything? Beer,food? Pickled eggs here are fantastic." I rolled my eyes at Snarts attempt at small talk,as we walked over to the pool table.

"No,we're good. We need your help with a problem." Barry said.

"Must be pretty desperate to come asking for my assistance,but I'll bite. What do you need?" He replied. This is pretty fishy. Him giving in so easily that is.

"Help transporting some people out of the city." I said,grabbing onto the table.

"How many?"

"Five. Five very bad,very angry people,who have powers." Barry expanded.

"Powers,hmmm? So you want me to Whoa? Freeze the problem? Protect you two from them if anything goes wrong?" Snart paused for an answer. Barry nodded while I answered.

"I'm not involved in this activity actually"

"Well I can see now why you want the protection Barry. You've not go Bolt to help you save the day when everything goes wrong" He then sat up. "First rule of business always protect yourself. I'm not gonna help usher your enemies out of town."

"Hey,they're not just my enemies. They're you're enemies too." Barry grabbed onto Snarts arm.

"I doubt it."

"They will destroy Central City." Barry warned.

"And hopefully you along with it" I furrowed my eyebrows out of aggravation.

"It's not my problem." He said in a monotone voice.

"You said that you love it here. That this is your home." Barry whispered.

"I do and it is"

"Well guess what? These people get loose,there won't be a city to love anymore. You won't be able to rob anyone if everyone's dead."

"That's means no more money for Snart to not use" I smiled,evilly.

"It's a compelling argument" he started to walk away from us. "But if I'm gonna help you two out...I'll need something in return." He started writing something down.

"Like What?" Barry asked.

"This" Barry looked shocked,while I still hadn't seen the paper.

"No. This is impossible. I can't do that" Barry said worried.

"Then I can't help you." Snart said,cold as usual.

"There has to...Snart,there has to be something you want that I can get." Barry pleaded. What was on the paper? Barry had now screwed it up as if he didn't want me to see.

"Let me think about it." And off he went.

"Well that went well" I smiled,trying to keep calm.


I was now back at Star Labs helping Cisco with the last components of the device,and was being yelled at by Joe.

"Are you two out of your minds?" Joe shrieked. "What do you mean you talked to Leonard Snart?"

"We asked him for help." He glanced at me,while I worked away.

"I didn't ask him for help. You did. I just supported you,and helped you not get killed. I did not intend on asking that frosty guy for help" I pointed out,putting my hands up.

"Leave the puns to me" Cisco narrowed his eyes,and I elbowed him.

"Barry,why would you do something so stupid?" Joe yelled at Barry again. It's that father and son bonding time again.

"Because,Joe,we have already tried everyone else. Look,you tried CCPD,I tried Oliver. I even tried Ronnie and Dr Stein. And the particle accelerator goes online in..."

Barry pointed at us to tell him the time. "16 hours" Cisco and I said in sync.

"16 hours" He repeated. "16 hours,Joe. I'm not willing to let the metas die,and we can't let them escape,either. So,like it or not,Snart,with his cold gun,is the only one that can stope them if Cisco and Sam's transpiration does not hold."

"Then lucky for you I figured out what you can get me." Snart walked in,and Joe immediately pulled out his gun. Him and his gun are like best friends. "Hello,detective. Nice to see you again. Caitlin,Cisco. I thought about your proposal. You want my help,this is what I want. My fingerprints,dental records,DNA,criminal records,family tree,everything there is in this world concerning Leonard Snart. I wasn't it destroyed. All of it. At CCPD,online,everywhere."

"The brass on this dude. You'd really think we'd do that for you?" Joe has a point. It's a pretty hefty offer.

"I'll do it. If it's the only way,Fine." My mouth gasped open at Barry's reply. Is he stupid? For all we know Leonard might not even show up to help!

"You and me need to talk right now." Joe patted Barry and they both walked out to the training room.

Snart just stood there smirking,as he messed with another families life. Shouts began emanating form the room,and we all just stood in silence.

Barry then came rushing out and he was gone,alongside Snart.

I guess it's time to ship the metas off.

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