That Night...

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After the beautiful ceremony,we all dragged ourselves to the accelerator to say goodbye...well goodbye to this version of our universe. I could literally feel my world closing in on me. The events of this past year aren't going to happen,and I will still remember it all...

Caitlin was first for the onslaught hugs Barry and I were getting.

"Okay,there are going to be three Barry's and two Sam's back there. They'll be future you who saves younger you from the Reverse Flash and now you you. Remember,wait until future you gets younger you out of there,and then you can go and save your mom." Barry smiled at Cisco as went over the plan.

I'm happy he's happy.

"Piece of cake" Barry said gleaming.

"Piece of cake." I repeated.

"May the speed force be with you." Cisco smiled and hugged us both. A good old Star Wars reference to end it. Just perfect.

"Goodbye dad" Barry said to Joe,and I could feel myself tear up. They hugged and I felt a gush of happiness fall over me.

I walked over to Iris and said "I kinda regret leaving Jitters"

"And why is that?" Iris laughed,but you could see the pain in her eyes.

"I never got to spend as much time as I'd liked with you" I said,walking up and hugging her. I'll miss Iris. Who knows,maybe in the new timeline Joe moves with Iris as a kid? The possibilities are endless.

Barry then moved onto saying his goodbyes to Iris,as I went to Cisco.

"If you die,I'm going to be really mad at you." Cisco said jokingly to lighten up the situation.

"If I die I'll make sure my ghost haunts you." I chuckled,hugging my best friend.

Then I turned to face Barry. "Are you ready?" I said,staring into his eyes.

"Not just yet." He said,and everyone looked confused. He then quickly leaned in,and did something I was not expecting.

He kissed me.

I honestly think my heat exploded again. It was so unexpected,and I felt a rush of emotions. As we broke off the kiss,I grinned uncontrollably.

"Hopefully When this is over,we can have that talk" he looked down,looking so nervous.


"FINALLY." Caitlin,Cisco,Iris,Joe and Ronnie over the PA system said.

"I've been waiting a whole year for that." Cisco clapped. "Now that you've finally sealed your future with a kiss,it's go time."

And then he opened the doors to the accelerator.

The door locked behind the two of us as we entered. "Remember Mr Allen and Ms Smith assuming you achieve the proper velocity and open the wormhole, you have only one minute and fifty two seconds to save your mother Barry and return. Or else.."

Stein voice was interrupted by Barry's "I know."

We both stood below Thawnes cage. "Well you two hold all our futures in hand now,Mr Allen and Ms Smith. And I know you both can do it. Barry and Sam. Run."

With that sort of alert,we ran. We ran and ran and ran. I ran as if I felt it was the last time I'd run again. And I liked it. I enhanced every emotion I've felt over the past day,and used it to my advantage. I guess you could say,I run faster when I'm happy.

I continued to run at my highest speed,and I think it was working. I was breaking through the space time continuum. I could see all around me,scenes from my past.

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