Part Of Something Bigger

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"The bomb is somewhere between 52nd street and avenue B" The trickster said over his new broadcast. I jumped off my couch and changed into my suit,and ran to that area. If it's as deadly as the original trickster said it is,Central City is screwed.

"Have you found anything." Barry said,with hope.

"I don't think I'd be this out of breath if I had" I sassed,breathing heavily.

"Guys,We can't find it. We need your help." Barry yelled over the coms.

"There's nothing in the traffic cams or CCTV."

"I retasked the Star Labs satellite to scan the area for incendiary devices. A bomb that large should be giving off some kind of thermal or chemical signature." Cisco explained.

"Well,then why can't you find it?" Barry shouted again,knowing we were running out of time.

"Because it's a trick." Dr Wells spoke,ignorantly. "The bombs not there." It would make sense,we have looked all over this area at least five times.

"No,it has to be. I'm gonna keep looking." Barry moaned,not ready to believe Dr. Wells since he may be the man in yellow.

"That is what he wants,for the two of you and the police to keep running around in circles. There is something else going on,Barry. I can feel it. Now,trust me."

"I'm gonna keep looking." Barry said.

I grabbed his arm and tried talking some sense into him. "Barry,Dr Wells is right. We both have looked through this area so many times,there's a major possibility that the bomb isn't even here."

"I can't believe him Sam" he whispered,than dashed away.

"Guys,He's gone." I huffed.

I rushed away,to another part of the city and began looking around there for the bomb,and then I heard static on the coms.

"I found it." Barry said,sounding relieved.

I stopped running,waiting for Barry to say something else. Instead someone else spoke over the coms.

"Uh-Oh,there's an explosion at Iron Heights." Cisco said,spooked.

"This was all a diversion." Dr. Wells spoke,sounding like it was an 'i told you so moment'

"The prison was the real target." Caitlin realised.

"James Jesse. I guess he's tricked us all."

I screamed over the coms,feeling like an actual idiot for being tricked by the trickster. S


Back in Star Labs,everyone was mad. But Barry was the most emotionally distraught as he hadn't listened to Dr Wells,and now the new trickster and James had his father.

"We were able to identify the other trickster. His names Axel Walker,age 25. Apparently him and James have been corresponding through snail mail for over a decade." Joe explained CCPDs findings.

"I should have been there." Barry said,guiltily.

Caitlin walked up to him and touched his shoulder. "We're gonna find your dad,Okay?"


"I guess I should have listened to you Dr Wells and you Sam." Barry got up,and walked out of the cortex.

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