Chats With Hartley

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"How do you feel?" Caitlin asked,as Barry entered the cortex. We both had shut Hartley into the pipeline,after that successful battle.

"Fine. I mean there a little ringing in my ears. But I'm good" Barry said,rather loudly. Caitlin said the effects of the ear torturing sound would wear off soon.

"You are speaking very loudly." Caitlin laughed at Barry.

"Well I didn't have to go through that trauma as I did some work on my suit" I innocently smirked as Cisco. I planned ahead for other metas,and it worked in my favour.

"Sorry" Barry whispered,jokingly.

"It's ok,it will pass" Caitlin chuckled,seeming pleased that no permeant damage was made.

"Nice moves" Cisco said,getting up from his chair,and locking hands with Barry doing that dude handshake.

"Thank you" Barry replied.

"Anytime. I think I'm going to take my doctors advice,and go lie down" Cisco said,looking directly at Caitlin.

"What a great idea." Caitlin said,sarcastically.

"Man I feel like I'm hungover time ten." Cisco remarked,holding his head in his hands. Caitlin and Cisco began to leave the cortex,and I joined them.

"Not surprised"Caitlin joked,shaking her head.

"Maybe if you had taken your doctors advice earlier,you would be feeling better now" I pretended to think,making Cisco frown.

"Well,if it wasn't for me and Dr Wells,you and Barry would be dead." Cisco claimed.

"Um. No. To correct you Ramon,you saved Barry,not me. I had readjusted my suits speakers,to be able to handle the frequency Hartley's gloves were causing. I was in no danger" I smirked,giving him a funny face.

"Alright children. Could you please stop arguing?" Caitlin pleaded,looking at us with a pout on her face.

"Fine." We both said in sync.

"Good,good. Now who's up for a movie?" I shot my hand up. I love me my movies. It's a nice thing to do if your a procrastinator,like myself.

"Me!" Cisco yelled. "I'm picking as I am so badly injured"

"It better not be some boring comedy. I may love them,but you have bad taste in them. Do a mystery,murder mystery" I said,jumping onto a chair,as Cisco set up the film.


The movie ended on a good note,and Caitlin went home. Now myself and Cisco are going too see if sleeping beauty himself,Hartley has awoken from his slumber.

We entered the pipeline,to see Hartley slowly getting up. I was in my suit,to keep my identity hidden.

"Your evil hearing aids won't help you escape this time. So I'd get comfy." Cisco said,with his hand behind his back.

"You must be enjoying this Cisco" Hartley said,with his arms folded.

"Oh I am" Cisco smirked while replying.

"If that scares you,I can't imagine how your going to feel when you open up these doors and let me out of here." Hartley smirked,not having the courage to look up.

"And why would we do that?" I asked,not really disguising my voice as most villains here know my name.

"Um. I think I'm going deaf,cause I could have sworn you just said 'I'm going to let you out'" Cisco said sarcastically,with his usual spark.

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