Bee Captivity

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When I got into Star Labs,Barry was standing in front of Wells,with the little pest of a bee in a container. Our emergency was a single extremely toxic bee,had snuck into Star Labs through one our suits. I huffed,cause it is not easy running in heels and this dress.

Caitlin and Cisco were in the Medway examining the bee,so I rushed to join them,trying to forget about the bathroom scene with Felicity. Some part of me wanted to believe what Felicity had said. That Cisco and Cait aren't apart of this mess with Dr Wells,but the messed up broken side of me is trying to make think otherwise.

"Nice dress" Cait said,looking me up and down. "You look great" she put her hand on my shoulder,and a shiver went around my entire body.

"Thank you" I smiled,falsely. Barry then came,and stood behind me,and patted my shoulder to make me aware of his present. With him there,I didn't feel so nervous about being with people who possibly could be apart of the case.

"That is one odd looking bee." Caitlin looked down,at the trapped bee.

"That's cause it isn't a bee at all." Cisco spat out,looking down the microscope. "It's a robot" he looked at me and Caitlin in awe.

"No way" Caitlin leaned forward to look into the microscope. Barry on the other hand was eyeing the bee from its little cage.

Something tells me this going to bee a very big problem. Haha,get it. Ah,puns. I missed them in this dark period.


"Unbelievable. This bots got a 360-degree vision system" Cisco stated. Ray and felicity had now joined us,and we were all huddled around Cisco,as he stared down the image of the bee on his monitor. "I mean,we're talking about multiple micro-cameras all coming from various angles at the same time. Which means.."

"It can see all around the room at once. That is.." Ray butted in.

"Amazing" the two of them said in unison. Oh,a nerd bromance. How adorable.

"Disturbing" Caitlin said what I was thinking. Not that the person who created this isn't a genius or anything,but seriously bees? There are so many cooler flying animals to use,and you chose bees? You could use something that doesn't fly those animals are cool,but bees? Sad life.

"It's also next-gem hardware that's nowhere near the market." Dr Wells added. Ugh.

"So we're not dealing with a meta-human?" Felicity asked.

"It's just a mad scientist" Barry muttered,not seeming too happy.

"Cause we needed one of those to be added to the mix" I moaned,and rolled my eyes. All I wanted to do was go home,and punch my hands anger punching bag,or cry. Or both. Today has been an emotionally exhausting day. And I'm pretty sure Barry picked up on this,as he's been staring intently at me since we got to Star Labs.

"Cisco,you said the second victim,Bill Carlisle,was a robotic engineer. Let's cross-reference his previous employers with those of Lindsay Kang." Dr Wells ordered.

"Allow me" Felicity said with enthusiasm,as she grabbed a chair. "Mamas been away from a keyboard for far too long."

"They both worked at Mercury Labs." Barry said exasperated.

"Let's call Joe. I thinks it's time we paid a visit an old friend." Dr Wells told.

That night...

Another Speedster//Barry AllenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin