Chapter 3

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Valentina's POV

Luca is crazy... He is actually crazy if he thinks that I am going to marry his narcissistic ass. It isn't happening.

I look at myself in the mirror, I have black jeans on, a white top and I am wearing my white converses. I put my hair in a bun and spritz on some perfume.
Today I am going to go to Luca's office and I am going to tell him straight... I will not marry him, he can't just force me into a marriage, I don't give a shit about his power, one thing that I make sure of is that he doesn't have power over me.

It's unfortunate that he has a disgusting personality because wow, he has the most perfect face and body. Girls swoon over him. He is always seen on the front pages of the tabloids about how he has a new girl almost every week with him, the media is obsessed with him.

I walk get out of my room and walk downstairs. I feel guilty and a little bit upset, I haven't talked to my dad since yesterday when Luca announced that him and I are apparently getting married.
I guess I'm still just angry with him, I thought we were all happy and well but I guess I was wrong. I had no idea my dad had a gambling addiction, I wish he would have been open about it, I could have tried to help him before it became a huge problem like it is now.

It will probably take me a little bit more time for me to forgive him, I still feel angry and also a little bit scared.

I leave the house, the weather is great this morning. The sun is out, it is shining brightly and the streets are looking lively with children out on their bikes.

I get into my car, I blast pop music and drive to Luca's workplace with fear creeping up on me. Luca Marino is one of the most powerful guys in the world and even though I am trying to put on an act I am a little frightened by his authority.

I park up and before getting out of the car I take a few deep breaths... I feel like this is just not going to end well all.
I get out of my car and look up and the building, it's so tall and looking at it makes me feel like I am going to fall. It's full of windows and glass elevators. Oh god I am feeling so anxious right now. My palms are sweaty and my breathing is heavy.

"You can do this." I say to myself.

I walk into the building, there are people everywhere on their computers working. I go to the front and there is a pretty lady at the desk looking really smiley. "Hello." I say, "Um... I. Basically is Luca Marino here?"

"He isn't here yet." She says softly, "He said he is running a bit late but he should be here in half an hour or so."

"Right." I give her a quick smile, "Thanks. I'll just wait." I sit down on a chair and decide to read the tabloids... Let see what gossip is going about today.

Oh... Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are back together. Amazing. Fantastic. Fabulous, I've always shipped them together.

I also see a paragraph on Luca. 'Billionaire playboy to be finally settling down?'


I then look at a photo and there is a photo of me... What the heck is this!?

Oh it's me.

But seriously, what the heck! He is such a creep.

I get up and I see Luca walking in and trying to get past all the Paparazzi. I storm towards Luca, I am so angry right now.

"We need to talk." I say to him as I block him from going into the elevator, "Now."

"Ok love." He says, "Let's go to my office." He walks past me and goes into the elevator, I follow him and then when we are both in the elevator I mutter, "Don't 'love' me."

"Don't worry I won't." He responds rudely and I glare at him.

We both get out if the elevator and I car hear some of his employees gossiping.

"You come here to work not to gossip." Luca shouts to his employees.

He goes into his office and I follow him there, I slam the door and I look at him.

"What's the problem dear?" He yawns, "I am a very busy man and-."

"I am not marrying you." I say, "It's not happening Luca. You're evil and you're selfish. I barely know you and I hate you."

"Exactly." He says bluntly, he walks towards me and slowly pushes me onto the wall, "You barely know me... You don't know the things I can do and I can get away with it because I am Luca Marino." He whispers, I feel my heart racing and my face getting really hot.

"Oh dear, honey." I whisper back and I give him a wink, "I couldn't give a shit about who you are... I'll make sure you get locked up."

He chuckles, "For what?"

"Forcing me into a damn marriage you arrogant pig."

"The thing is beautiful, I have lawyers and other powerful people... I have money, you don't, you cant do shit." He snarls, I glare at him.

"I hate you." I mutter as tears form in my eyes, "I hate you." I wipe my teary eyes with the back of my hand, I don't know if I am hallucinating but I see a glint of guiltiness in his eyes, but it goes away in a matter of seconds. I leave his office slamming the door.

If he wants to get married, fine, ok but he is going to wish he didn't, I will make him suffer so much that he files for a damn divorce in less than a week. I will make sure he ends up hating me as much as I hate him right now.

Bring it Luca Marino... It is a challenge and I intend to win.

Thank you very much for reading my story.

As you all know this isn't my main book that I working on, my main book that I am really working on is called, OUR DANGEROUS LOVE. Check that out please.

- As you can probably tell I am now frequently updating this book but after a while I might update a bit later, sorry. I have my GCSE's and I am extremely busy... Watching Arrow - I am learning a lot of amazing life skills from that.

Anyways please vote, comment and share.

(If you don't know this song I seriously think you have been living under a rock, it is from thee Amazing Shawn Mendes, my Canadian King. Yeah I love him, I am obsessed)

Song (If you people do not know) - Shawn Mendes - Stitches.

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