Chapter 63

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Valentina's POV

"Luca." I say, I look at him and smile, "I am so excited."

"I am very excited as well, my love." He whispers to me as he holds my hand.

Today is the day, I am finally going to find out if I am having a baby boy or a baby girl. Honestly, my heart is just beating so fast and I have butterflies in my stomach.

There is this magical feeling in my heart, I smile at Luca. All that we are doing know is waiting for the results on if it is a boy or a girl.

The sonographer has said to us that the baby has a strong heart beat and everything else with the baby is fine. I am honestly so glad, I am trying to look after myself .

Luca wraps his arms around me, I feel so loved in his embracing arms. There is no where as else I would rather be.

The door opens, I look up and the sonographer walks in with a smile, "I have the results." She says to us, "Do you want to know it now?"

I look at Luca, and Luca looks at me, we simultaneously nod our heads. I then look at the sonographer and say, "Yes please."

"Well." She says with a smile, she takes a deep breath, "Congratulations, it is a baby boy."

I gasp and look at Luca, he looks so happy as well and I hug him, he hugs me back and kisses the top of my head. "I am going to be a father to a little baby boy." He says in a whisper to me.

I look at him and nod my head, "Yeah, yeah you are." I whisper back to him, "I love you so much."

"I love you too." He says to me, he kisses my forehead, "This is just so amazing."

"Yeah, it really is, isn't it." I mumble to myself. I look at the sonographer and say, "Thank you so so much."

"I am just doing my job." She says to me with a smile. She shakes my hand and then Luca's hand.

"Thank you." He says to the sonographer before we both leave the room.

I can't wait, I am so joyful, it's honestly the greatest thing ever. Being pregnant, it comes with a lot of different emotions, but the most powerful feeling is, the feeling of happiness, I feel whole. I can't wait to have this baby boy in my arms, I can't wait to look down at him and give him a kiss, tell him how much I adore him.

Luca and I go outside, I can't help but to admire the peacefulness and the beauty of the sky and the trees. I smile and then look at Luca, "Can we go shopping instead of going to the house right now?"

Luca looks at me and raises his eyebrows up, he chuckles and then says, "Didn't you just go shopping the other day?"

"Yeah." I nod my head and smile at him, "But now that we know we are having a baby boy I thought maybe we could get a few baby clothes or something."

He looks at his watch and then says, "Yeah, okay." He gives me a kiss on the forehead, "But after that I might be working a little bit late, I have a lot to sort, everything is nearly done though, so relax."

I smile at him give him a kiss on the cheek, "I love you." I whisper to him.

"I love you too, Valentina Marino." He whispers in my ear, he holds onto my right hand and places a kiss on it. "Come on, let's do some shopping."

We hold hands together and walk into a few shops which were close to the doctors, that way we didn't need to get into the car again. I look around at baby clothes and smile, the clothes are so cute and small. I see a small teddy bear on a shelf and put into the basket, "That's so adorable." I mumble to myself.

"Yeah, it really is." Luca says, he then picks up a baby blue bodysuit, it's plain and simple, but it makes my heart feel all fluttery, "This is nice." He says nonchalantly as he puts it into the basket.

"It's so small and cute." I comment. "I'm really excited, I can't wait to see my baby boy."

Luca looks at me and nods his head, "Me too, hopefully I am going to be a good father to our child."

"You will be." I assure him.

"I-I don't know." He stutters and frowns, "I am not very good with kids."

"Yeah you are?" I narrow my eyes at him, "I see how you are with Emma, she loves you so much."

"She's my little sister." He mumbles, "I love her."

We look at more clothes, put a few stuff in the basket. Baby clothes are so fun to buy; I remember being a little kid and shopping with  my parents, I would always end up crying for baby dolls and baby clothes all the time. There's always this exciting thing about being a mother, even when you are little. Just pushing the pram and being in control.

Luca and I pay for our stuff, a lots of baby clothes. After that we get out of the store, and walk towards the car. Luca angrily shouts, "What the f*ck is this?!"

I look at the car and gasp, a storm of paparazzi are taking photos, more than there were before. The car has been vandalised, spray painted in red with the words, 'snake'. I look around, furrow my eyebrows and then take a deep breath. What the heck, this is insane and it actually has the name, 'Brittany' all over it. That b*tch!

I can see that Luca is really heating up, getting extremely angry. I hold his hand, "Just calm down, we will sort this out." I whisper to him.

"No we will sort her out." He says to me.

"Yeah we will so-." I try speaking but he cuts me off.

He looks directly at one of the cameras and says, "You aren't going to get away with this Brittany, mark my words."

The clicks of the cameras and the flashes carry on, it's giving me a headache.

Luca then in finality says, "Okay, now get the cameras the f*ck out of my face, I've said what I have needed to say."

He gets out his mobile phone and calls up a number, I can't hear much of what he is saying because of the shouting and the screaming of fans. Calm down girls, he is a married man

"Come with me." Luca holds onto my hand, we walk towards a small café.

"What are we going to do?" I whisper-shout to him, he looks at me but ignores me. He opens the café door and it makes a bell sound, we walk in before he pulls out a wooden chair for me.

"Sit down babe." He mumbles to me as he presses the bridge of his nose. I sit down and then he sits down on a chair opposite me, he holds onto my hand and looks at me, "I'm going to sort this out, okay?"

"Um yeah." I stutter and furrow my eyebrows, "What's going to happen?" I ask him with curiosity. He isn't telling me something and it is really bothering me, I am hoping he doesn't do something stupid, I am hoping that he doesn't lash out.

"Just don't worry about it." He says to me in a whisper, the door opens and the bell sound goes on again, Noah walks into the café,  what is he doing here?

"Noah." I say with a smile, "What are you doing here?"

"Um-." He tries to talk but Luca cuts him off.

"He is going to drop you off at the house." Luca says to me, "I have got something to sort out."

Someone give Luca a chill pill before he goes insane. Ugh, my poor Luca deserves better.

- I've had so much coffee, I feel like I am going to vomit.

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