Chapter 41

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Valentina's POV

Luca came back from work a couple of hours ago, we have been talking and cuddling but it just doesn't seem like he is actually happy, it seems like he is putting up a front for me. I don't want Luca to do that, he doesn't need to. I love him and he loves me, we should be able to tell each other everything.

I am now on the sofa with him, his arms are around me and my arms are around his. My face is buried in his chest as he kisses the top of my head he whispers, "I love you Val."

I look up at him and whisper back, "I love you too." I then get up a bit and kiss his forehead, "Tell me what's bothering you and don't you dare say it's nothing."

Luca sighs and frowns, he gets a bit as well and he looks at me sadly, "I don't know babe." He shrugs his shoulders, "Just a little angry, had a meeting with Henry."

"What?" I say as I furrow my eyebrows, "You didn't mention anything to me about it before?"

"I know." He mutters, "It's just that just thinking about him gets me annoyed."

"What did he do that's so bad?" I ask Luca; I know he doesn't like Henry because he is trying to make the club all his and because he is a d*ck head but I mean, Henry is family, there has to be another reason that Luca hates him.

"Henry has always been a b*stard." Luca states, "He never liked my mum, when I was little he used to bad mouth her all the time and I would never say anything, I was a kid and I was stupid." He shrugs his shoulders.

"What would he say?" I ask with curiosity - I find it disgusting that Henry would do that, it's your step sister for goodness sake.

"He used to say she was a b*tch, that she was an attention seeker, just bull crap like that." He says to me, I frown, that's just terrible and so horrid. "The only reason he was like that is because he was jealous, my dad told me everything, my mum used to be more loved by everyone." He explains to me.

"That's all?" I scoff, I roll my eyes and sigh, "So Henry is like that because he was - or is jealous of your mum."

"I know." Luca takes a deep breath, "It's ridiculous."

"Damn right it is." I mutter, "But she's dead, he should have some respect for her. It's not her fault that everyone liked her more."

"I know, Henry is just an idiot." He says as he gets from the sofa. "I'm going to make something to eat, what would you like babe?" Luca asks me.

I know he just wants to escape the conversation and right now there is no point in pressuring him about it. It's just going to make him more upset and he doesn't need that right now, neither do I. I don't want to be having petty arguments with him.

Oh - and I am hungry. "Can I have some pasta?" I ask him, really craving it right now.

"Of course you can." He smiles at me, he walks over to me and kisses my forehead, "I love you."

"I love you too." I say and then I give him a smile, he chuckles and then walks away.

I lie my head back on the sofa, I'm exhausted and I haven't even done anything at all. My head feels like it is going to explode, there is just so much going on, so much bull crap circling around and I don't know what to do or which one to put first. 

After ten minutes of procrastinating I slowly just get up from the sofa, I feel the cold laminate flooring hit my feet and sigh, winter is coming very quickly. I need to do some shopping, get a nice new coat.

I frown, I have never liked winter. The harsh winds, the snow, the ice, everything about it made my stomach churn. It would get dark quickly and that is one of the things I have always hated the most; I am not scared of the dark, I just don't like it because it reminds me of loneliness - loneliness scares me, that's all.

"I will be back in a bit!" I scream as I go upstairs, Luca screams back an "okay", I go to our bedroom and decide to apply some strawberry flavoured lip balm on my chapped and cracked lips! I then go into the en-suite bathroom and wash my face with cold water, I look in the mirror and then look at my stomach, there's no visible bump yet but there is something in there - a baby, my baby, I put my right hand on my stomach and take a deep breath, "I'm going to try to be the best mum ever, I promise." I whisper, I smile and then I feel the tears at the back of my eyes, I wonder how did my mum feel when she found out she was pregnant with me? Was she happy?

I grab a brush and quickly fix up my hair, it has been in a messy bun for very long and yes, it's actually very messy there, it looks like a birds nest or tangled ear phones, just terrible. After looking a little bit more presentable I go back downstairs, I can already smell the pasta and I smile to myself, I am so lucky to have Luca.

I go into the kitchen and see Luca washing a plate, he turns around and jumps up a little bit, "Don't ever creep up on me like that." He lets out an awkward chuckle and I grin at him, he shakes his head and puts two plates full of pasta on the table, he gets a chair for me and then says, "Sit, gorgeous." I blush unintentionally and sit down, I look down at the beauty in front of me, damn I can't wait to put that pasta in my mouth.

Luca sits down on a chair next to me, he gives me a smile and I smile back at him, "I love seeing you happy." I say to him truthfully. 

"Its all thanks to you Val." He says back very quickly, god that is adorable, I smile at him and giggle like a teenager, god, it's just so soppy but so cute at the same time.

Okay, enough now it is time to stop. I take a sip of water, I am parched, I then take a bite of pasta and I chew, "This is great babe." I moan as I chew horrendously, Luca shakes his head, he scrunches his eyebrows and chuckles, "Anything for you." He mumbles.

I then realise I have something so amazing in my life, I have Luca in my life and we have had our ups and downs - plenty of them - our marriage was fake at first but we have truly fallen for each other, we trust each other and we care about each other deeply; that is all that matters. And now I am pregnant as well, I have someone else to think about, this baby deserves happiness, support and endless love, maybe we all have some slight chance to be happy. 

That is all I want - "happiness".

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