Chapter 67

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Valentina's POV

I have been asleep for hours, I slowly open my eyes and take a deep breath. I gave birth to a little baby boy just seven hours ago. I feel relieved, he is finally out and I can finally relax properly.

Being pregnant was amazing, difficult, fascinating... Just a real mix of different emotions. It was a roller coaster.

Then giving birth was another roller coaster, one minute I was crying, then screaming, then yelling at Luca about how I am never having sex with him again, just in case I get pregnant and I have to feel this great pain. Honestly, it was crazy and Luca was exhausted as well.

I have to admit - I was annoying, I totally acknowledge that now.

I look to my right, the beautiful sight next to me makes me smile. Luca, holding our baby boy in his arms, just having some weird conversation with him.

"I want to say that you have your gorgeous mums looks." He sighs as he looks at our new born baby, "But you sort of look like an alien..." He furrows his eyes and smiles down at our baby. He then  says, "But then again, that's with every new born baby - well nearly every new born baby, so I don't think it is your fault."

I start laughing and smiling widely, he looks up at me and asks me, "Did you hear all of that?"

"Yes Luca, I certainly did." I laugh and he shakes his head.

He places a soft kiss on my forehead before saying, "Yeah, your mum has an issue with being nosy."

"Um, no I don't." I frown, I then get up a little bit and stretch out my arms which feel like baguettes - stiff as f*ck - "I want my baby." I say to Luca.

"Say please." He says back to me with a smirk.

"Excuse me?" I raise one eyebrow up, he looks a little shook now and I just have the urge to laugh, but instead I say, "I spent nine months carrying my son in my womb and then I spent eight hours in labour... Give my son to me, now."

"Right, just don't yell at me please." Luca exasperates as he gives our baby boy over to me. I hold him in my arms and look down at him, I smile and tears just start to slide down my cheeks, I sniffle and then whisper, "Hello, my little boy, I'm your mummy." I then say, "I promise to love you, protect you and to always give you the best in life."

Luca sits down on the chair beside me and holds my hand, "I love you so much Val, and this is just amazing, I am so grateful for everything, you are so strong." He says to me, I look at him and give him a smile.

"I love you too Luca." I tell him, I give him a kiss on the cheek, I truly do love him.

He gives me a smile back, I look back down at my baby and then look at Luca again, "What should we call him?" I ask as I furrow my eyebrows.

"I am actually trying to think of a name." Luca mumbles, "But I have totally spaced."

"Yeah me too, I mean, at first I had a few ideas... And now I just don't know what to call him." I tell him truthfully.

"Well we don't need to choose a name straightaway, we can take a few days if we need to and we can see what is suitable for him." Luca responds back to me with a smile.

"Yeah I guess we could wait a while, but what are we going to call him in the mean time, we cant keep saying, 'him' and 'baby boy' it is frustrating."

He chuckles and kisses my forehead, "We will figure something out. Stop stressing."

"Alright, I will." I say and then I take a deep breath, "It's just been a long day, already." I say in a whisper.

"I'll get you something to eat in a bit." Luca says to me, "Just tell me what you want."

"Salad... I'm craving it." I say to him, "Any kind, I don't mind."

"Salad?" He chuckles, "Since when did you eat anything but pizza and fries."

"Since now." I say, "Besides too much cheese right now is going to make me feel sick... Just even thinking about it does."

"Okay, I'll get you salad." He responds back to me, "My dad and your dad are going to come visit, Emma obviously wants to come as well but she shouldn't, there's just going to be too much people in one room and you have just given birth, you need to relax, not party."

I laugh, "Yeah, I totally imagine Emma as a wild party girl when she is older."

"That girl is a problem." Luca chuckles, "I mean, she's just crazy sometimes."


I finished my salad, it was a bean salad. Full of kidney beans, chickpeas, other leaf things... It was delicious and I feel a little bit more lively than I did half an hour ago.

Luca is sitting next to me holding our baby in his arms, he is just sort of talking to him and telling him stuff about life. It's cute and I love this heartwarming side to him. It really does make me smile and it makes me feel so grateful for everything in my life. 

The door opens and I look up to see my dad and Daniel at the door step, "Hello." I say with a smile.

"Hey dad, hello James." Luca says to them both as they walk in, my dad closes the door.

After all the baby holding and speeches from my dad and Daniel, we end up talking and choosing a name for the baby. None of us have any ideas what to call him... And some of the suggestions that have popped up are ridiculous.

I am not naming my baby Logan, not happening, it just reminds me of Logan Paul - I really don't want a reminder of that guy.

Thank U, Next. B*tch.

Anyways, yeah, all the names were just either not suitable or not nice, I want a name that actually has a good meaning to it.

I go onto my phone and think of a quality in life that is very important to have, then choose a name that I like.

I then say, "How about the name Tristan?"

"Tristan." Daniel repeats with a nod, "Tristan Marino."

My dad looks down at his grandson, "Tristan Marino... I like it, it suits him."

"Yeah, yeah I do as well, it's a lovely name." Luca agrees as he takes his son from my dad's arms, he looks down at him and gives him a kiss on the forehead, "My son, my love, Tristan Marino."

Last chapter on this book. I want to thank everyone who has supported me, last year was such a difficult year but you guys helped me through it. I can't thank you enough, you all were so incredibly supportive, it was just amazing.

I hope you have liked reading this book, if you see this then comment a "❤" I love all of you so much.

I hope you didn't find the end of this book disappointing or anything, I know it isn't very original or something new but I just wanted to end it like this. Yeah, so keep voting, keep reading and if anyone has something they want to talk about, if they are feeling down or anything just DM me on Instagram @kaizerell

Gooooood bye my loves - for now - new story will be coming out maybe later this year, I'm not sure yet, I need a little time to myself :)

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