Chapter 47

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- hey, so this is going to be my last update for a while, I am taking a short break, I don't know for how long but I need to sort some stuff out in my life right now. I love you guys... Bye.

Valentina's POV

I am so anxious, I still haven't told Daniel or my father about the pregnancy. I am going to tell them both, I just need to wait for a while.

My dad is coming over tomorrow and right now I am just going to call Daniel to come over as well; I need to confirm it with Luca, I want him to be there with me to share the news.

"Luca." I call out his name as I walk down the stairs, I look around and he is just sitting down on the sofa, holding a note pad and pen, he is working away and he looks so stressed. He looks at me and gives me a little smile, I give him a smile back and then I go sit next to him.

"What is it?" He asks me softly as he kisses me on the cheek and hugs me.

"Tomorrow my dad's coming over." I tell him, he nods his head and then I say, "I'm going to tell him about the pregnancy, and I am going to call your dad as well... I want to tell them both, I think it's time."

Luca nods his head again, he then bites his lips and says, "Alright, if you think it's time to tell them, then yes, we will."

"You're going to be there?" I ask as I furrow my eyebrows, I look at him, I am very anxious, I need him to be there for me.

He holds onto my hands and looks at me, his eyes piercing my soul, he whispers, "Yes, my love, of course I will be there."
I instantly hug him tightly, bury my head into his chest, I am so glad he can be there with me, I just need that moral support.

He makes me look at him, he kisses my forehead and then says to me, "I love you, I will be there with you, I promise."

I smile at him, "Thank you." I say happily.

"Don't thank me." Luca chuckles, "It's what's right."

I nod my head and he gives me another smile, I lie my head down on the sofa, my mind is drifting off to lots of memories, lovely moments and scary moments as well.

Reminiscing a lot of moments with my mum, I really miss her, she meant so much to me and I loved her so much. Lately, just thinking about this baby, it makes me think about my mum, I hope I can be a great mum, just like my mum was such a great mum.

"What are you thinking about?" Luca gently asks me as he holds my hand, he looks at me, almost like he is searching for an answer in my eyes.

I kiss his forehead and say, "I just hope I can be a good mum to this baby." I place one hand on my belly, I look down at it and smile.

"You will." He responds softly, he tucks a piece of my brunette hair behind my ear and gives me a kiss, he then whispers, "I know you will, you're one of a kind, you're smart, funny, absolutely f*cking stunning... And you're caring."

Tears start clouding the back of my eyes, my lips go thin, I am trying to prevent myself from bursting out in tears. Why does he have to be so adorable?

A tear does slip down from eyes, it goes down my cheeks and I laugh as I wipe away the tear with the back of my hand, "You are so cute." I say and I sigh.

"No." He says almost instantly, "Please, do not describe me as 'cute'... Bleugh babe, that's just terrible."

"You are absolutely adorable." I give him a kiss on the forehead and give him a cheeky smile, "Don't deny it."

"Hmm, yeah." He mutters as he rolls his eyes, "No..."

I shake my head, he doesn't even realising when he is making me laugh, that's what makes things more 'cute'.

The telephone starts ringing, I get up from the sofa and grab it, "Mrs Marino, someone is trying to pass the gates." The security man says over the phone.

"Name?" I ask, I have no idea who could be visiting us right now.

"Goes by the name Brittany Blake." He says, and that is when my anger levels just rise. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, I don't want to show Luca I am angry, he is looking at me and giving me those eyes, he wants to know who is talking to me on the phone.

"I'll be out in a bit, don't let him in." I say as quiet as I can, Luca is right there, I am trying my best to talk in broken words so that he can't understand.

I put the phone down and look at Luca, I know he is going to ask me who was over the phone, so I say, "It was my dad, he was angry and a person that, um, he was friends with is trying to... It's sort of complicated babe, I'll be back in like ten minutes, I need to go outside." I say abruptly, I rush out of the door before he can ask me any questions.

I walk to the front gates, anger is just radiating off me, I am so damn pissed off right now, this b*tch has the f*cking nerve to come here?!

She is off her nut.

I tell the security guard to open the gate for me and he does, I then see Brittany, she is looking at me like I am filth - well I apologise your majesty, if I knew you were coming I would have dressed up. I give her the most dirtiest glare ever, "You better get the hell off my property b*tch." I say to her.

She looks at me, raises her right eyebrow, and then she laughs; she has platinum blonde hair, layers of makeup and thick fake lashes, her nails are long and disturbing. Her attire is full of just designer clothes, I can smell her perfume, it's strong, her whole look and attitude screams the word 'money'.

"There's somebody I want to see." She says to me as she chews her chewing gum loudly, "Luca."

"Don't you dare say his name." I grit my teeth, the anger I am feeling right now is uncontrollable, I slap her on the face.

The security guard steps in between us, Brittany tries grabbing me and I try fighting back as well. Someone gently holds me back and embraces me into their arms, I look back and Luca is looking at me with disappointment. 

"What should I do with her boss?" The security guard asks Luca as he looks down at Brittany.

"Hello son." She says as she smirks at him, my stomach churns and I feel like vomiting.

I give her a scowl and then shout, "You better shut the f*ck up, crazy b*tch!"

Luca looks at me and sighs, he then looks at Brittany and says, "I suggest you get out of here while you have your legs."

"You're all talk Luca." She spits back at him, "You can't do anything!"

"Really?" He raises one eyebrow up, he chuckles and then holds my hand, "We will see about that." He says lastly as he takes me back into the house.

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