Chapter 17

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Valentina's POV

"What the hell?" I whisper to myself with shock. He really did that for me last night?

Last night when Luca came home drunk, with scratches and bruises I had no idea what happened but apparently the tabloids are saying he got into a fight after some guy started saying shit about me.

The tabloid is plastered with his face on it and damn, he looks really angry.

I hear footsteps and I turn around to see Luca, he looks exhausted. "Hangover?" I ask him and he just walks past me and ignores me.

"Luca." I call his name out and he looks at me with an annoyed expression. What's wrong with him now?

"What?" He asks me as he sits down at the kitchen table and sighs.
"Why are you being a total d*ck again?" I ask him and I sit down opposite him, waiting for an answer.

He bites his lips before pouring himself a glass of orange juice, "Just because we talked yesterday or whatever doesn't mean we're best friends Valentina."

I take a deep breath and I roll my eyes, "You are ridiculous." I exasperate, "I don't understand why you can't for once just be nice."

"I don't want to be f*cking nice!" He snaps as he slams the glass on the table, I flinch and close my eyes.

He gives me one last glance before getting up and walking away. "Luca!" I shout but he just ignores me. I sigh and close my eyes, I have no idea what's wrong with him.

I get up and look at the tabloid again, "It was around 10 PM, there was a guy and be was trying to get Luca's attention. He was saying stuff like, Valentina is a h*e and Luca snapped and got up. He through some punches and then a massive fight broke out." I read the tabloid still really shocked and surprised.

I can't believe he would actually stand up for me like that, it's sort of hot.

Oh f*ck off horny virgin media.

That made no sense but whatever.

I go upstairs and first thing that I do is bump into Luca, he groans and looks at me angrily.

"Watch it, will you?" He says angrily, he rolls his eyes and walks away but before he can go any further I grab his hand and make him look at me.

"Wait." I say as my heart starts beating really quickly. "Thanks." I mutter and then I walk away.

I just walk away because I know if I stay he will probably say something like, "I only did it for publicity."
I know he didn't... Or maybe I'm just hoping he didn't. Maybe he does care about me a little bit? I don't know, either way it was nice for him to stick up for me.

It's weird you know, how I'm married to him. Yes, it was probably just to hurt my parents and me but it doesn't feel that bad. And not to sound like a gold digger or anything but I get money, nice clothes and jewellery, it feels nice. I feel sort of special having all these lovely and luxurious things. 

But that's not all I want, I want a job. I want a damn life, I hate sitting around like a guest. Doing absolutely nothing.

The most I ever do is make Luca dinner, that's it. I go to dinners with him, charity events and parties. That's all very fun and exciting but it's not really a life that I'm interested. 

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