Chapter 37

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Luca's POV

I wait for Valentina to wake up - honestly I am getting rather impatient, I just want to see her open her beautiful eyes, I want her to talk to me, say anything, I don't know; I just need her right now.

I use my phone for a bit and reply to emails, sort some work out. I would go back home to finish off all the work that needs to be done but I can't, I don't want to leave Val, I want to be here when she wakes up.

The doctors have told me that they will soon have all the test results so that is good. God, this whole week has just been ever so hectic and I just want it to be over I just need some peacefulness.

I feel like I just need to relax; take some advice from Val and watch a movie, eat popcorn and have a drink. I have a massive headache from all this mess, and I am extremely tired.

I hold onto Valentina's hand, her hands feel soft and delicate, I slowly kiss her hand, my lips stay on her hands for a few seconds and I whisper, "Wake up, please."

A tear unintentionally rolls down from my eyes, it goes down my cheeks and I take a deep breath. I close my eyes and then open them, I look at the ceiling and I start to reminisce the greatest of memories with Valentina.

I slowly feel her hand moving, I hold her hands and it moves again. A sense of relief and hope takes over me, I smile and then softly call her name, "Val?"

She slowly opens her eyes and let's a little groan, she looks really confused, she closes her eyes again and whispers, "Where am I?" She continues and stutters, "W-What happened?"

She tries to get up but I stop her, "Just calm down, I'll explain." I say to her, she still looks really confused, she looks also very scared and worried.

"Are you okay?" She asks me as tears start forming in her eyes, she touches my hand frantically, "Are you o-." I stop her, her breathing is fast and heavy, she's honestly going to pass out if she carries on like that.

"Val." I try calming her down, "Relax please. Do you remember what happened?" I ask her.

She closes her eyes for a second, she touches her forehead and then mumbles, "There was Mel, and-and she was there, she bombed the house." Tears start rolling down her cheeks, I wipe them away and kiss her forehead.

"Look everything is going to be alright." I whisper to her soothingly.

"No." She shakes her head, "It's not, it's Mel she's going to hurt Emma, she's going to hurt my dad or someone else." She cries more and more, I can see the fear in her eyes. Why is she so scared of Mel? I know that she just bombed my damn house but there's got to be some other reason, I've never seen Valentina be that scared before.

I furrow my eyebrows and give her a confused look, "She's dead." I mutter, "But what else has gone on?" I ask her with curiosity, "Why are you so scared of her?"

"I'm not, it's nothing." She lies to me and she wipes her tears with the back of her hand, she's trying to act as if everything is okay, and I know it isn't.

"Don't lie to me Val." I sigh, "Tell me what's wrong, what happened."

She looks down at her fingers, she bites her lips and I can see her facial expression going even more down. "That evening when we had the charity th-thing on." She stutters and moves her hair away from her face, "Um, Mel, she threatened me."

"Threatened you?" I furrow my eyebrows, "What did she do? What did she say?"

"She said that if I don't give her the forty thousand each week... If I miss it she will have someone kill somebody that I love." She whispers but her breathing is still pretty loud and fast. "I couldn't tell you, it was too dangerous."

"You could have told me." I tell her, "Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you." She says to me, "But you don't understand, as weird as it may sound Mel was always watching me or something, she knew everything that was going on and I couldn't risk it."

"But the money it was se-." I try to carry on but Valentina rolls her eyes. "Oh for heavens sake!" She snaps, "She sent the money to my dad as a cover." She sighs and then rests her head on the pillow.

"Oh." I mutter, feeling really stupid and also like I have just ruined everything with Valentina.

"That's all you're going to say?" She retorts and groans, "Oh?"

"Okay woman stop snapping at me." I put my hands up in defense. "I don't really know what to say. I mean it's just insane and I need to inform the officers on that as well; tell them to investigate more on it."

"She's insane." Val mutters and frowns, "All that... For money."

"Well when it comes to money, people do a lot of crazy sh*t, believe me." I shake my head. It's true - the things that people do just to get a little bit of cash, it's mind blowing. The thing is sometimes people need the money, other times they just want it, they just crave it.

Someone knocks on the door softly, "Come in." I say, the doctor - Doctor Henderson comes in, she smiles and writes something in her notepad.

"I've got some of the test results." She informs us, "Do you want to hear it all now?"

I look at Valentina, I give her a nod - sort of waiting for her to give me an answer, she then nods her head and I say, "Yes please."

"Well we have some good news, Valentina will have a full recovery - maybe a few headaches, aches and pains in a while but she should be fine." She informs us, I listen attentively and then she says, "I've also got back some other tests results." She says.

"W-Well what is it?" Val asks Doctor Henderson, she takes a deep breath and she looks as if she is scared to hear the next part... Whatever it is.

"Congratulations Mrs Marino." She says with a smile, "You're pregnant."

I am so sorry for giving you late updates, there's just so much on my mind right now. Got some relationship problems and my head is all over the place so I just need to think sometimes...

Anyways I love you guys. Please vote, comment and share.

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