Chapter 51

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Valentina's POV

"Look, everything is okay now..." I tell Daniel with honest, I look at Luca and give him a smile before looking at Daniel again, "Luca married me, and at first, it was for a wrong reason, he has changed though." I try assuring him.

"I don't know what to believe anymore." Daniel says as he looks down at the table and sighs.

"Well believe me." I say in a whisper, "I am telling you the truth, things were messed up at first but I love Luca and he loves me."

"I really do." Luca says as he looks at his dad.

Daniel slowly nods his head, he takes a deep breath and then gives a smile, "Don't you think I'm too young to be a grandad?" He chuckles as he raises up one eyebrow.

Emma laughs and then cheekily says, "No dad, you're getting very old already!"

Daniel gasps, "I am not, Emma?" He frowns and then laughs.

"Well you're not very old, but you're a little bit old." Emma chimes as she nods her head.

"That makes no sense." Luca says as he playfully punches her on the arm.

Emma furrows her eyebrows and kicks Luca on the leg, "Shut it grandad."

Luca and Emma start to jokingly argue for a few minutes; my dad, Daniel and I all looking extremely confused decide to talk about random topics, going from politics, business and then just life in general.

The door bell rings and Luca gets up from his seat, "And that will be the pizza!" He claps his hand and then walks out of the room, Emma already having the most biggest smile on her face follows Luca out of the room.

Luca comes back into the room with Emma, two huge pizza boxes in his hand, in Emma's hand there is a box - which I am guessing has some chips in them, they put the stuff down on table and sit back down. We open up the pizza boxes, talk and eat; I am just munching away on chips. Absolutely delicious!

An few hours go passed, we are still chatting away. We decide to go into the living room instead as it is more cosy and less formal, Emma starts glueing her eyes onto the TV screen while Luca and I sit next to each other with my dad and Daniel on the opposite sofa, we carry on talking, laughing and just having a really lovely time.

Luca's phone starts ringing, it causes all of us to stay quiet - it was a sharp ring and it just sort of stopped everything. Luca looks at me before slowly answering his phone, everyone stays silent as Luca is on the phone.

"Hello?" He says over the phone; Emma turns down the TV volume as she looks at Luca. Luca stays on the phone for around two minutes, we are all confused, what is he talking about?

He is just nodding his head, saying yes, he is sighing and stressing out again. Finally, he hangs up and he puts his phone down. I look at him, "What is it? Is something wrong?" I ask him.

"No, not really." He shrugs his shoulders, he bites his lips and then says, "Tomorrow is the trial, they are going to decide... About the club." He says in finality.

"So soon?" Daniel furrows his eyebrows as he looks at Luca.

"Yeah, it's better, I just want this over and done with." Luca mumbles, he looks at me and smiles, "And I can get back to being with Val."

"Well I wish you the best of luck." My dad says to him, "But honestly, I am sure you have nothing to worry about."

"I don't." Luca responds as he nods his head, "The club is mine, I know that already." He says so confidently, I kiss him on the shoulder and give him a smile.

"Well look at the time..." Daniel says as he gets up from the sofa, "It's at already ten o'clock, we should be off."

"Don't go now, dad, stay for a while longer." Luca insists as he also gets up from the sofa.

"No son, it's already extremely late." He tells him, "Come on Emma, you need to get some sleep."

"No." She whines, "I don't want to, I don't want to go home dad..." She starts with the frowning and puppy eyes.

"Let her stay." I suggest, "I will take her home tomorrow."

"Oh I couldn't." Daniel sighs, "You are all very busy and-."

"No please." I say to him, "It is fine, honestly, I need some company anyways."

"Are you totally sure?" He asks me and I nod my head.

Emma looks at me and gives me a big smile before she runs up to me, she gives me a hug and whispers, "Thank you so much! We're going to have so much fun!"

I give her a smile and laugh at her, "Yes, definitely." I whisper back to her.

"Emma, remember to brush your teeth and make sure you behave." Daniel sternly says to Emma.

"Of course dad, I'm not a baby..." She says as she furrows her eyebrows, "Anyways bye dad, I love you." She goes over to him and hugs him.

"Bye, bye." Daniel says to us all, we all give him our goodbyes and Luca decides to walk him out.

We all go back into the living room and I sit down on the sofa, my dad looks at me, he smiles at me and then says, "I have something for you." He takes out a small black box out of his trouser pocket, he hands it over to me, "Open it." He whispers.

I open up the box, excitement running through my veins, oh my god; there is a gorgeous, necklace beautifully placed, a sapphire stone with a silver chain.

"This is... It is beautiful." I tell him truthfully.

"It was your mother's, I gave it to her for her twenty fifth birthday." He says to me quietly, he sighs and then whispers, "I miss her, every single day, every single second."

I can see the sadness in his eyes, the vulnerability in his voice and how he looks so drained without her. I close my eyes for a second, I'm not going to cry, not now...

"Are you sure you want me to have this?" I ask my dad as I look at the lovely necklace.

"Of course, of course I do." He says to me as he nods his head.

"Okay." I say in a whisper, "Thank you, dad." I give him a hug and rest my head on his shoulder, I look at him and smile.

"I'm going to head off now." He gets up from his chair, "It was really great seeing you."

"Oh don't go dad, have another cup of tea or something." I say to him.

"Don't go so soon." Luca says to my dad.

"So soon?" My dad chuckles and sighs, "No, it's already very late and I should get some sleep, just thank you for today." He gives me another hug before giving a handshaking to Luca. I walk him out and give him another wave goodbye.

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