Chapter 35

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Warning - you're gonna die, dramatic chapter - like for realsss

Valentina's POV

That b*tch Mel - she has ruined absolutely everything. I don't know what to do right now, I am just standing in front of Luca trying to explain everything but I know I can't, my words are not even making sense and he looks ever so confused.

"I can't trust you." Luca sneers, he then looks at me with disgust,"Yeah you know what, I did trust you but I made a mistake. All this time I was so nice to you, I protected you, hell I think even loved you but you just f*cked me over like that."

He loved me... He loves me? What - that's almost impossible, me? What on earth, oh my god, he loves me and I love him and now I am going to lose him, I am such an idiot.

I sigh and bite my lips, I am so afraid, I don't know what is going to happen and that makes me feel anxious. "Look Luca, I'm so sorry about that mo-." I try to tell him but he cuts me off.

"F*cking hell, woman!" He snaps at me, I look down at the floor and close my eyes, I then open them and see that he has a bit of tears in his eyes, "It's not about that money, it's because I actually freaking trusted you and that was such a big mistake." He rakes his fingers through his hair and then mutters, "The only reason why people love me is because of my money."

"That's not true Luca." I gently say to him, "It isn't true at all."

"Then why did you do it?" He asks me with still a hint of anger in his voice.

I just sigh, I take a deep breath and I just stay still and silent, I do not know what to say. If I even say a word about Mel, someone could die, someone I love could get hurt.

I hear the house door open, a loud crash and I look back, Mel stands there, I furrow my eyebrows, I am very confused.

Before I can even say anything Luca goes closer to her and says, "What the heck are you doing here? And how did you even get in?" He scoffs.

"God, you guys really are a pair of amateurs." She chuckles, I look at her and squint my eyes, what is she on about? Crazy lunatic... She then says, "You've got some dead security."

My heart drops for a second, god this woman really is a damn psycho. I gulp and then look at Luca who also has a look of confusion on his face. "W-What are you talking about?" I stutter.

Mel laughs in an evil manner, then she pulls out a gun from her back pocket, "Oh I just shot them." She nods her head, I start breathing more quickly, f*ck I am shook, like really. "Hmm, you guys never heard." She rhetorically asks, she laughs again and then mutters, "Wow you really are both incompetent - you probably thought it was just fireworks or something." She chuckles again and shakes her head.

"Mel." I say, "Please don't, do not do this."

"Do what?" She asks me, "This." She raises her right eyebrow up and then shoots the gun at a mirror behind me, it shatters into pieces and I jump up.

"Get the hell away from her." Luca goes in front of me, he holds my hand and I grip onto him.

"Aw, so cute." She mocks us, "You make me want to puke though." She sighs, "No, I am not going to do anything - I mean I am but this gun won't be needed, not anymore." She gets out another device out of her pocket and she slowly turns around

"It's a bomb." Luca whisper-shouts at me and he tries to push me down and cover me. I see Mel as she presses onto the button, everything goes fast, and all I see is me falling, Luca falling down and yelling.

Everything goes dark for a few minutes, I then see fire and at that moment I can't keep my eyes open, they close - but before they do I hear Luca's voice.

Luca's POV

Everything is just consumed by darkness... There's a hint of light from the fire, but that isn't exactly a good thing. I look around, everything is destroyed.

I look down and see Valentina, no, she can't leave me. I won't let her leave me, I love her so much. "Val." I whisper trying to get her up, "Please get up babe, you've got to get up." I say to her but there is no response, nothing at all. There's no movement, no sarcastic remarks - just darkness and emptiness.

The fire is spreading pretty quickly, I need to get Valentina out of here right now. I slowly get up and I touch my forehead - I'm bleeding, I just take a deep breath and I try holding Valentina. I barely have any strength in me, but I don't care I will use all my strength to get her out of here.

I try getting out with Valentina in my arms, there's mess everywhere, debris and destroyed furniture. I get out and see the real light, the wind lightly hitting my face and I see people, cameras flashing as well - and at that moment even though I have got no strength in me I feel like smashing those cameras up. 

Someone is almost dying in my arms and still there are paparazzi trying to get a snapshot of this? That makes me feel so sick to my stomach - I will definitely remember their faces and I will deal with them later.

There are a few other people there as well, they looked shocked, lost for words almost. One man comes up to me slowly, "An ambulance and the fire brigade are on their way." He says to me, I thank him and then I look back at Valentina who is still not responding. I check her pulse and it is there but it is weak, f*ck I just need the ambulance to get here quickly. 

Some people who are around me help move Valentina and I away from the burning building, my home - this is just a disaster. 

Finally I can hear the ambulance and the fire brigade, well thank god for that. "Just stay strong my love." I whisper to Valentina.

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