Chapter 8

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Valentina's POV

Today is the day I get married to Luca... In fact, in a matter of minutes we will be married. I can't believe that this is really happening.

I've got mixed feelings about this, I feel a little scared, frustrated, tired and I also feel like this is something new, something I can look up to as a challenge. I hope it isn't that bad with him though.

I walk down the aisle, my dad's arm is linked around mine. Music is peacefully playing and people are already cheering. There are flashing lights of the cameras and then I directly look at Luca. I have got to admit that he looks strikingly handsome in his black suit.

He has a smile on his face - a proper smile. Maybe it's just for the tabloids but whatever at least he isn't angry. I stand in front of him and then my dad sits down.

The priest chats on with the vows and all the legal procedures. It is a very long and tiring process and it makes me want to yawn but I can't, its my wedding day and for now I have just got to put on a fake smile for the cameras.

I found out that Luca has got a little sister who is adopted, her name is Emma and she is seven years old. She is here at the wedding, I haven't spoken to her yet but she looks like a sweet girl. I think it will be nice to talk to her and maybe find out a little bit more about Luca. I look at her and give her a smile, she gives me a cute smile back.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest says making me feel stiff and tense... Oh right.

Luca gives me a smirk and a wink, he leans in and he wraps his arms around me. He kisses me deeply and lustfully - for an annoying ten seconds his lips stay on mine. This guy is really flipping annoying. He lets go of me and then he bites his lips, "That was nice." He whispers and I glare at him.

"You are so dead." I threaten him and roll my eyes. I then start laughing, we both act all lovey dovey and we give nice big smiles for the cameras. He puts his arms around my waist, we look into each others eyes... Not to ruin the moment but it is sort of weird, the whole looking into each others eyes thing.

"Luca!" I hear a shout, it's Luca's sister. "I want cake now please, please, cake, cake!" She screams happily as she jumps up and down.

"We will have the cake soon." Luca reasons with her but Emma looks like she's not taking no for an answer. She glares at him and then suddenly she starts crying.

"No no no." Luca starts to look all sad and he starts to panic, "You can have cake now, just don't cry please."

"Thank you." Emma screams again excitedly, "I am having cake, I'm having cake." She sings as she runs around. I just laugh at her and she gives me a sweet smile.

"Your sister is cute." I say to Luca, "She's so lively."

"Yeah and she's also a menace." He groans and then chuckles, "But I love her, a lot."

"Yeah well, family is the most important thing." I comment and I smile at him. "Let's go and eat some cake." I say as I walk over to the table where the amazing cake is. A lot of vanilla, it looks spongy and there is a lot of icing. Perfect.

We both eat cake, sit down and talk. Then we take a few pictures together and look all cute for the photos. I think we really are fooling everyone.

"Hello." I hear a little voice say, I look over and it is Emma. She walks over to me and sits next to me.

"Hi." I say happily. She is so cute, it honestly warms my heart up.

"So you and my brother are married." She nods her head, "Does that mean you love each other." She asks me inoccently.

Oh flip sake, Luca is making lie to a little cute girl. I give her a nod, "Yeah we love each other." I say in a mumble.

"Already interrogating my wife?" Luca asks Emma as he sits down on the other side, next to me.

"What does inter - something whatever mean Luca?" She asks with a baffled look on her face.

"Oh it doesn't matter." He rolls his eyes, "I'll tell you another time sis."

"No bro." She laughs, "Give me your phone so I can ask Google."

"Google doesn't know the answer." I say with a serious look on my face. I start laughing and then Emma rolls her eyes at me.

"Google knows everything." She states, she gets up and then gives me a wave, "I'm going to eat more cake bye bye."

Luca looks at me, I look back at him. "What's up?" I ask him and I yawn.

"Oh nothing." He says, "Just tired as well. I can't wait for this day to be over." He sighs.

"Me too." I mumble with a frown. I'm not upset by what he has said, I just don't understand why he always has to be so miserable. Like it really doesn't hurt to put a damn smile on your face, Luca really should try it sometimes.

"The paparazzi are loving this." Luca says with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "The vultures piss me off so much."

"They annoy me as well and I haven't been dealing with them for that long" I laugh, "But whatever we all need a source of income."

"Right." He mutters, "But they could find something else. There are so many job-."

"Not everyone is so privileged Luca. It's difficult to get jobs and to get money, why the hell do you think my dad turned to gambling?"

Luca just rolls his eyes, I think he is annoyed by the way I'm talking. But I don't care, life isn't ever easy for anyone, there's always obstacles to face. I think Luca just really needs to realise that.

REMEMBER ON THIS BOOK THERE WILL BE VERY SLOW UPDATES. I'm sorry. The next chapter could be after a very long time.

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