Chapter 56

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Valentina's POV

"So what is this about?" Daniel asks me and Luca, he looks very confused, "Has something bad happened or...?"

"No, nothing like that." I bite my lip and I look at Luca, I sit down on the sofa opposite Daniel and Luca sits down next to me. 

We both invited Daniel here because we want to let him on the plan; only me, Luca, Daniel and my dad will know about this. No one else can find out about it or it will cause bigger problems that we don't need right now.

"So what is it then?" Daniel asks, he furrows his eyebrows, "You are both scaring me - I don't know what bombshell you are going to throw at me next."

Luca frowns, he sighs and then says, "Dad... I know you are still a little annoyed and angry about the whole thing - the marriage and all that stuff."

"I'm not." Daniel takes a deep breath, "I was being a b*tch on purpose."

"Well please do not be a b*tch, dad." He responds with a grin, "It doesn't suit you."

"I totally agree with you Luca." I say as I nod my head and laugh.

"Okay, first things first. There is something I have to tell you first before I get into anything else." Luca says to his dad softly, "It is about Brittany."

"What about her?" Daniel asks as he looks down at the floor.

"Well, she stole a  lot of money from you and you didn't do anything about it." Luca mumbles, he then speaks a bit louder and says, "She did something else, something to me... Something bad."

"What did she do?" Daniel asks as he narrows his eyes, Luca stays silent for a moment and Daniel repeats his question, "What did she do?"

I look at Luca, sort a signal if it is alright that I speak up for him; Luca nods his head and he averts his eyes down at the floor.

I put my fingers through my hair and sigh, "Brittany was abusive." I say quietly. 

"What?" Daniel mutters, "I-" He stutters and closes his eyes for a second. "To you?" He asks as he looks at Luca.

"Yeah." Luca answers back to him, "It was when you were married to her, she was... She did some stuff and I-I never told you - until now."

"Why didn't you tell me this, son?" Daniel asks Luca, he massages his forehead and sighs, his eyes are filled with sadness.

"After everything that happened, I just didn't feel comfortable talking about it." He says back to his father, "Even now I feel uncomfortable talking about it."

"Luca, do you trust me?" Daniel asks him, he looks at him waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, of course I do, dad." Luca nods his head, "I do, it's just difficult for me to talk about it."

"Wow... She is the real b*tch." Daniel mumbles, he clenches his teeth and I look at him; he looks angry but at the same time, he looks defeated. "I should have been there for you, properly!" Daniel says as he shakes his head.

"Dad, it's not your fault, you didn't know how she was like." Luca tries comforting his dad.

"Yeah, I really didn't." He sighs, "I was always out on business trips, away from home, away from you."

"Please dad." Luca again reassures his father, "It isn't your fault, please do not blame this on yourself."

After a moment of emotional faces, I look at Luca and smile at him. I then look at Daniel and say, "So there's a reason we bought this up."

"Yeah." Luca nods his head, he bites his lips and then sighs, "I think that we shouldn't let her get away with everything that she has done."

"What do you want to do exactly?" Daniel asks as he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Well, you still have all that evidence of her stealing money and well maybe you can bring it up again." I suggest, "There isn't anything we can do about Luca - about what she did to him - but we can have her be put away."

For a moment there is silence, Luca and I just look at each other, we are both waiting for answer from Daniel. He nods his head and then looks at us both, "It sounds like a plan." He says and I smile at Luca. Some justice for Luca and Daniel sounds great!

"Okay then, we will sort everything out soon as possible." Luca says to his dad enthusiastically.

"Alright, yes we will. She won't get away with what she did to you, I promise you that son." Daniel says to Luca sympathetically.

I put my arm around Luca and rest my head on his shoulders, I feel a bit better that Brittany will get what she deserves. She is evil and selfish... Hmm, maybe Mel and Brittany are some how related.

"Thank you dad." Luca says with a smile.

"I owe it to you." Daniel takes a deep breath, he then looks at me and says, "And thank you Valentina."

I am confused, I furrow my eyebrows and then smile, "What have I done?"

"So much." He replies, "You have given my son happiness, love, peace and a place he can call home. You are his home." He whispers to me.

Luca looks at me, "Everything my dad said is the absolute truth." He says to me happily, "I love you so much."

"I love you too." I say back to him and I place a kiss on his shoulder. 

Daniel gets up from the sofa, "I should get going, it was nice talking to you both." He says to us, "I should go now though but Luca, can you meet me tomorrow at 'Americano' cafe tomorrow at ten?"

"Eh, yeah sure I can." Luca says to his dad, he gets up from his sofa, "And don't go so soon dad, I'll make some tea."

"No, I have to get back to Emma." He responds, "Take care." He says to us both.

Luca and I walk Daniel out before going to bed and cuddling.

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